We are created to be in community, join in a group which builds community by fostering loving relationships. Grow your faith as you grow your knowledge in Christ. Find your place to connect and grow at Matthews United Methodist Church or on our Quick Connect Guide. Please call Kim Layton at 704-815-1913 with your questions.
Online Resources: RightNow Media Digital Library | Upper Room | Be A Disciple | WNCC Resource Center Author's opinions in external resources may not always reflect MUMC beliefs.
Card Games
On and off-campus offerings weekly for those who like to play cards.

Disciple Bible Study
Disciple groups lead a structured journey from the age-old lessons of the Israelite's to the hope of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Disciple’s Path New Member Class
Explore your faith through The United Methodist Church and learn more about Matthews United Methodist in this short-term group offering

Find Your Spiritual Gifts
Each of us is uniquely qualified to offer a word of hope, healing, justice & grace to a world that is desperately in need of healing. Find your gifts in a short session offered to help you explore your gifts and how to uniquely apply them to ministry
GriefShare Group
This group offers you the help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend.
Hearts and Hands
Handmaking loving items for special uses in our community.
Hope for Minds & Hearts
Offering hope, knowledge, prayer and support in a safe environment for families who support a loved one and individuals who live with mental health challenges.
Inclusive Grace
In the spirit of Galatians 3:28 "...for you are all one in Christ Jesus," this group is a Reconciling Ministry of Matthews UMC that supports and celebrates LGBTQIA+ persons, their families, and friends, both within and beyond the church community.
Joyous Journeyers
This small group for women meets on Wednesdays to Journey together with their faith at the center of life and living.
Melody Makers
A delightful community choir that sings together and performs around town
Micah Connection
Engaging our community on issues of civil and human rights, poverty, peace, health and climate/creation care as directed in Micah 6:8.
Music Ensembles
Our music ensembles offer connection for people who share a passion for music.
Racial-Bridge Building
Groups Meet Mondays and Wednesdays for Cardio, Chair Exercises, and Yoga
Singles in Scripture
Singles coming together for fellowship, encouragement and living life together.
Strolling with the Spirit
Stop by in the new year (starting Jan. 8) during your lunchtime for a weekly stroll on the Greenway and Spirit-led conversation.
Tasty Tuesdays
Meets regularly on Tuesdays for lunch and a program.
The Prayer Course
Join this eight-session journey through the Lord's Prayer.
Travel Ministry
Connecting our community through intermittent trips and social outings.
Charlotte Rescue Mission Serving Group
This group of men serves Charlotte Rescue Mission, our Global Impact Missions partner, quarterly to bring hope to people impacted by addiction
Men Seeking Jesus Together
Gathering Monday mornings for community, connection and study.
Men’s Breakfast Group: United Methodist Men (UMM)
Meeting the first Saturday in the month for comradery, support, and building relationships while strengthening faith.
Men’s Faith & Fellowship Group
Gathering Friday mornings for community, connection and study.
Men’s Retreat Group
This annual event offers an opportunity for the men in our community to invite others and spend time forging relationships while focusing on their faith.
MUMC Golf Outing: Driving for a Better Community
The MUMC Golf Outing Supports Charlotte Rescue Mission, Hoskins Park Ministries and Roof Above. Hosted by the UM Men, All Welcome to Play!
Second Sunday Roof Above Serving Group
This group of men serves the homeless in our community through Roof Above, our Global Impact Missions partner, during the winter months
Second Wednesday Hoskins Park Serving Group
This group of men host cook outs for men of Hoskin's Park Ministries, our Global Impact Missions partner, on the second Wednesday of each month
Hearts and Hands
Handmaking loving items for special uses in our community.
Joyous Journeyers
This small group for women meets on Wednesdays to Journey together with their faith at the center of life and living.
Thursday Night Small Group for Women
This group meets every other Thursday night online over Zoom to grow relationships.

United Women in Faith: Women’s Circles
Live in community with other women on the journey of knowing, loving and serving God.

Women’s Retreat Group
This annual event allows women of our community to invite others and experience soul replenishing with lots of time for laughter.

Couples in Christ Marriage Ministry
This group focuses on filling marriages with God's word and pouring out Christ's love to couples in our church and community.

Faith Foundations (9:30 Group)
This group consists of couples (ages 25-45) who meet Sundays at 9:30 am.

Family Matters – (11:00 Group)
This group meets on Sundays in person at 11:00 and focuses on family topics, marriage, personal growth, and the bible for parents of young and school age children.

3-4 years | TK & Preschool Age
Preschool age kids meet Sunday mornings to learn all about God's Love through action songs, interactive videos and games.

4th – 5th Grade
Preteens come together on Sunday mornings for fun interactive lessons to help them navigate their lives as young Christians.

Children’s Choirs
Meets Thursdays during the school year to learn about music and have fun through games

Meeting on Sunday mornings for a year-long faith journey culminating in the opportunity for each individual to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior.

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
Early Elementary kids join together on Sunday Mornings for upbeat worship followed by age-level games, activities and crafts.

Newborn – 3 Years | Nursery
Our Sunday morning nursery provides a safe and loving environment for newborn thru 3-year-old age children as they learn about God's love for them.

Rainbow Ark Ministry for Persons with Disabilities
Meets Sunday mornings to learn about the Bible while sharing time with friends

MUMCY Sunday Night Small Groups
Show up to be present with community and peers of your age level and know that you are not alone.

Rainbow Ark Ministry for Persons with Disabilities
Meets Sunday mornings to learn about the Bible while sharing time with friends

Youth Choir
Providing a space for youth, regardless of church membership or religious affiliation, to come create music with other students in the area.

Young Adults and College Age
Faith Foundations (9:30 Group)
This group consists of couples (ages 25-45) who meet Sundays at 9:30 am.

Rainbow Ark Ministry for Persons with Disabilities
Meets Sunday mornings to learn about the Bible while sharing time with friends

Virtual Bible Study
Connecting and building relationship on Monday evenings.