Men’s Retreat Group

Building Relationships & Focusing on Faith
The United Methodist Men (UMM) schedule a retreat for time away to focus on faith and building relationships with one another. The trip has a theme around a subject and speakers present relevant material in a large group setting.
Men's Retreat 2024
Friday, October 25 & Saturday, October 26 in The Commons at Matthews United Methodist

*Photos are from past retreats at Bonclarken Conference Center in beautiful Flat Rock, NC.
United Methodist Men (UMM) is a growing group of faith-centered men. We spiritually encourage men while serving at several local ministries. We build relationships through our mission activities, weekly bible study groups, monthly breakfasts, annual retreats and fund raisers. We serve on 27 separate occasions throughout the year for our Global Impact Mission partners -- Charlotte Rescue Mission, Roof Above, and Hoskins Park Ministries.
Regular serving opportunities also exist through our Home2Home Ministry where we pick up household items and deliver to those in need and through our Handyman Ministry where we help older adults and others in our area by completing minor home repairs. If you would like to learn more, please contact Marshall Edwards at 704-451-1783.