Matthews United Methodist Church: United Kids | Forms & Financials
a ministry of Matthews United Methodist Church

Forms & Financials

The Global Impact Leadership Team provides the following forms for individuals and teams who request support. Please contact the Church Office to learn more about various requirements. Let MUMC Global Impact assist you in being missional for God’s Kingdom.

Team Participant Forms (pdf):
Sample Support Letter
Mission Trip Testimonial

Background Checks: All volunteers working with children, youth, and adults with special needs through any ministry of MUMC must read our Risk Management Policy and have a background check run by the Church. Please ask your ministry leader to have a background check run and processed. You will receive an email from Verified First to complete the form electronically. Background checks are good for three years.

Please Complete These Request Forms (links coming soon!):
Request for Organization Funding Assistance
Request for Personal Support for Internship or Short-Term Missionary
Request for Personal Support for Mission Trip Team
Leader Request for Support for Mission Trip

Financials Chart

Matthews UMC has been able to Change the World one life at a time through your Global Impact Faith Commitments!

Beyond the Walls - Global Impact | Forms & Financials


*Please note: Select Global Impact Fund When Making a Contribution