About United Young Adults
The Young Adult Ministry at MUMC is made up of two main components:
+ College-Age Ministries [young adults post high school (18 - 25) both in Charlotte and away]
+ Young Adults [mid 20's and 30's single or married adults]

Not in College? Not a problem.
We are a College-Aged Ministry seeking to know Christ. Our community consists of people that have moved on from high school but aren't quite yet in the the adulting world. Regardless if you may have never attended college, taking a semester off, or have been away from school for a while...this ministry is for anyone college aged that is curious to know more about God or who has a deep relationship and wants to go deeper in their calling and relationship with Jesus. You will typically find people in here that are 18 - 23 years old, (but we're not big on being exclusive). Feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions or are wondering if you'd fit in here.