Matthews United Methodist Church: United Kids | Service & Mission Trips
a ministry of Matthews United Methodist Church

Building a Lifestyle of Service

Mission Trips
We believe that practicing faith is just as important as knowing what we believe. While we absolutely know that Bible study, prayer and worship are essential to faith development, we often hear that people feel closest to God when they are serving. Because we are all created unique, we also know that people need space to serve in the ways that they are created to thrive. Teenagers serving out of their created identity are one of the biggest wins for us.

We provide service opportunities for all of our grade levels through local and national trips. Each of our mission opportunities has a unique purpose and focus that allows our youth and adults a chance to reach others in the name of Christ.

Learn More About Our Mission Trips

We hope that service is more than a once a year event for our youth ministry. We pray that it becomes a part of their lifestyle.
Parent Teen Video
7th Grade ROCKS Mission Weekend
8-9th Grade Mission Experience
10-12th Grade Mission Experience


7th Grade ROCKS Mission Experience
May 2-3, 2025
Registration Opens January 2025 [Registration Closes Sunday, April 20, at midnight]

8th & 9th Grade Mission Experience
Date is Still TBD; But Considering the week of: June 16-20, 2025
Registration Opens January 2025 [Registration Closes Sunday, April 20, at midnight]

10th - 12th Grade Mission Experience
June 21 - June 28, 2024
Registration Opens January 2025
[Registration Closes Sunday, April 20, at midnight]

2024-2025 Service Hour Form

Use the Youth Service Hour Form to track the completed service hours for each semester to count towards your mission trip preparations.

MUMCY Service Hour Form 2024-2025
MUMCY Service Hour Form 2024-2025 [Fillable] (25 total hours required in order to participate in Youth Mission Trips)

Step 1) Print the Youth Service Hour Form
Step 2) Track your service hours as you complete them. Be sure to get the necessary signatures.
Step 3) Turn in your complete form to the youth office at MUMC before the deadline on April 13, 2025.

United Youth | Service & Mission Trips
