Matthews United Methodist Church: United Kids | Youth Basketball Ministry
a ministry of Matthews United Methodist Church


Youth Basketball
We are excited each year to host our youth basketball league. The mission of this ministry is to reinforce our faith, embolden the character and spirit within our youth, and demonstrate the wonders of living God's way of life. We believe being a Christian is the greatest life there is and this ministry strives to invest this life into teens through a fun basketball season.
God is Lord over all of our actions, including our play. He created the world and called it "good." While we often think of God's creation as the natural world, God also created fun! When we accept God as the creator of recreation, we can enjoy fun for what it is - a way to honor God with our time.

2023-2024 Youth Basketball Ministry

The mission of this ministry is to reinforce our faith, embolden the character and spirit within our youth, and demonstrate the wonders of living God's way of life. God is Lord over all our actions, including our play. He created the world and called it "good." While we often think of God's creation as the natural world, God also created fun! When we accept God as the creator of recreation, we can enjoy fun for what it is - a way to honor God with our time.
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."
1 Timothy 4:8

2023-2024 Tournament Results!

Our tournament concluded February 24 with these three teams (pics below) achieving the titles of division champions:

  • 9th & 10th Grade Boys GLC BALLERS - Coaches Joshua Gibson & Carson Eaves
  • 11th & 12th Grade Boys THE PENGUINS - Coaches Jonathan Vogel & Colin Salema
  • 7th - 12th Grade Girls THE STINGRAYS - Coaches Gary Hartnett & Mike Soden

Congratulations to our winners & to all of this year's competitors!


Season & League Information

Season Schedule (subject to changes)

  • October 1:  Registration Opens
  • November 11: On-campus practice opportunities begin
  • December 7:  Games Begin (Friday nights & Saturdays)
  • December 15 - January 1:  Christmas & New Year Holiday Break
  • February 22, 2025:  Tournament & Season Ends

Player Eligibility

This league is open to any youth within the 7th to 12th grade range, with the following age & school requirements:

  • Any player younger than 12 yrs. on December 1st, or turning 18 yrs. on/after February 1st MUST, if requested, produce proof of grade level & school involvement to be eligible to participate.

Coaching Eligibility

All coaches & assistant coaches must be approved by MUMC:

  • Coaches must be at least 21 years of age and at least five (5) years older than the oldest youth under his/her supervision. A coach may utilize a 'helper' who is between 18 to 21 years of age, however, the 'helper' may not represent the team as 'coach' alone during any game or practice.
  • Acceptable MUMC criminal records checks are required to assure the character of the coach and the safety & protection of the youth.


Teams are limited to ten (10) players, though teams may register and/or play with less than ten. Team may be preorganized or individuals may register and will be assigned to an appropriate team. Teams will be assigned within the following brackets:

•Boys: 7th & 8th Grade
•Boys: 9th & 10th Grade
•Boys: 11th & 12th Grade
•Girls: 7th > 12th Grade


Free half-court practice space will be made available at the MUMC gym on a first-come basis. Signups for practice times will be made available at the coach's meeting.


Games are scheduled in one-hour blocks, Friday evenings and throughout the days & evenings on Saturdays. Once posted, game schedules cannot be changed. The season will conclude with an all-inclusive, single elimination tournament.


Our season concludes with an all-inclusive, single-elimination tournament beginning Friday, February 14, 2025 and ending on Saturday, February 22.

Weekly Devotions

As part of this basketball ministry, each team will be asked to participate in weekly devotion times together; these can happen before/after practices or at another time. MUMC will provide a devotion booklet. Brief devotions will be led by ministry staff prior to the start of each game; all players and coaches are expected to be present.


If you / your player used one of our league's jerseys, please return it to League Director Rob Hunter following the last game. Refunds for rental jerseys will all be processed following the end of the season.

Player Registration

Whether registering as an individual or part of an assembled team, each player is required to register and pay on-line. (Note: If on-line payment is not possible, please contact League Commissioner Rob Hunter.)

Other Opportunities

Scorekeepers -If you are interested in applying to be a Scorekeeper (limited to 10th graders > college students), apply at the below link. This is a seasonal part-time position for the season paying $10 per hour. If you have questions about this opportunity, contact Rob Hunter 704.815.1916.

Coaching & Other Volunteers - If you are interested in serving as a coach / assistant coach, and are not associated with an established team, or if you would like to volunteer to assist with the operation of the season, we welcome your assistance! Please contact Rob Hunter at 704.815.1916.

Please contact Rob Hunter with questions about this ministry.
United Youth | Youth Basketball Ministry
