About United Youth

In United Youth our leadership team strives to live out our mission statement by creating spaces for the following to occur:
- Encouraging teens and their families to seek, engage, and claim God’s Word.
- Teens and their families are seen and known by peers and leaders. We want everyone to feel welcome, as there is a place for everyone.
- Teens and their families are empowered to serve others and share the love of Jesus in the world.
- Teens are invited to deeper relationship through United Youth Small Group Ministry.
- Teens are offered a sacred space to experience and celebrate God’s wondrous love through worship.
Our best hope in life comes from one source. Only one person can give us the nourishment we need. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. Our theme this year acknowledges the previous statement, but the real work comes from exploring what that looks like. It’s easy to say we need a relationship with Christ, but it is not until we fully commit to a life with Christ that we see how much MORE God can do with our lives.
In United Youth we encourage youth and their families to become engaged in another aspect of our ministry beyond just attending Sunday night youth group. We pray that for every youth that participates in United Youth that they will activate their faith to a place of self-growth and discover; that will allow them to invite and share their story with their peers, families, and community.