Virtual Bible Study

Connecting in Relationship
In 2017, the College-Age ministry launched a Bible Study that uses as an online platform to connect everyone from all over the country. By either calling in or using video chat through ZOOM, we share in discussions and dialogue typically led by Connor Johnson, MUMC's College-Age & Young Adult Associate.
There are study options available all throughout the school year [August - June].
The current study group is meeting on Tuesdays from 8PM - 9PM [EST]. If you are not able to connect at the time of the Bible Study, online resources will be available to catch you up on missed discussions. If you are interested in an in-person study option please reach out to Connor Johnson to see what is currently being offered.
During the summer months [Mid June - Mid August], the Bible Study meets on Sunday evenings at 8:15 PM with an in-person and online option.
To Join the Current Study Group:
- Download Zoom to your computer, simply go to and click on "Login."
- Once logged in - use this link to connect to the meeting (you can join a meeting on your PC, Mac, iOS, or Android) or enter the Meeting ID: 890 6059 3373 Meeting Password: 346106
If you have questions about the study, or have trouble logging into the weekly discussions, please contact Connor Johnson.