Micah Connection

Men Serving at Monthly Breakfast Image

Do Justice | Love Kindness | Walk Humbly With God ~ Micah 6:8

The goal for this ministry is to engage the congregation and community on issues of civil and human rights, poverty, peace, health and climate/creation care. The ministry provides tools to connect with and impact our community region, nation and world.

Education & Awareness

The Micah Connection focuses on education and awareness on issues of justice and inclusivity.

  • Racial Reconciliation
  • Inclusivity (LGBTQIA+)
  • Creation Care
  • Immigration/Refugees
  • Poverty/Affordable Housing
  • Disabilities
  • Action against Gun Violence

    Creation Care Ministry Resources

    If you're interested in registering your yard as a Certified Wildlife Habitat, click for info.

    Creation Justice Tips

    Provided by the UM Creation Justice Movement at umcreationjustice.org.

    Check out these July Tip Highlights

    Consider that having "second thoughts" may be a God-nudge for positive change:

    1. Take a second to think before you print. How you use paper can save trees, which are essential for removing carbon dioxide from the air. Print two-sided; reuse paper with blank sides for scrap notes and printing drafts. Buy paper that is chlorine-free and sustainable with recycled, bamboo, or organic cotton fibers.

    2. It's time for second thoughts about second hand. Things don't have to be brand new to be just right. John Wesley taught and lived by "gain all you can, save all you can, give all you can." Consider secondhand items and give them second life. By being industrious and frugal, you are better able to care for both planet and people.

    3. Plastic containers are everywhere! While some are reusable, research continues to confirm significant health costs associated with the chemicals in plastic used for food storage or microwaving. Choose alternatives--glass, porcelain, ceramic, or stainless-steel--especially for storing and reheating food.

    See the complete Top 10 List in the most recent Creation Care Newsletter.

    Be creative in how you take care of God's gift of creation and those who live in it. Call Amy DeVore at the Church Office to let us know what you are doing.

    The Micah Connection Team

    • Brenda Messera
    • David Bigham
    • Jackson Smith
    • Joe George
    • Natalie Fath
    • Julia TenBroeck
    • Howard Nussman
    • Suzanne Pugh
    • Cam & Allie Watterson
    • Lauren Smith
    • Kayla Pierce
    • Hunter Ross
    • Amy DeVore - Coordinator
    Check out more of our Inclusivity & Justice efforts.