Embracing Disabilities


During the 2024 Lenten season, our church congregation explored Embracing Disabilities: Creating an Everybody Mentality.

Matthews UMC is actively committed to nurturing an inclusive church environment that welcomes individuals with disabilities. Despite society's historical complexities in engaging with individuals with disabilities, this movement seeks to transition from an avoidance approach toward a model that promotes the integration of people with disabilities within their communities.

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"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God -- not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we may walk in them." - Ephesians 2:8-10 This scripture guided our community as we explored the theme of Embracing Disabilities in Worship, Groups, Events, Dinners and Study of Amy Kenny's My Body is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church.

Worship Archives

Our worship messages during this season focused on Embracing Disabilities with powerful messages from our own Pastor Chuck and Guest Speakers: Hunter Ross (February 25), Amy Julia Becker (March 3), Dr. Jeff McSwain (March 10) and Laurie Little (March 17).

Please view each message embedded from the church YouTube channel for your convenience, beginning with Pastor Chuck Wilson's message on February 18, 2024 titled "The Gospel Means" focusing on scripture passage John 9: 1-25.

Speaker: Hunter Ross
Message: "Faith is a Group Activity"
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12

Speaker: Amy Julia Becker
Message: "Displaying God's Glory: How Jesus Reframes Disability"
Scripture: John 5:1-18

Speaker: Dr. Jeff McSwain
Message: "Discovering the Reality of Community in Christ"
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

Speaker: Laurie Little
Message: " Sharing Gifts & Body Parts"
Scripture: I Corinthians 12:14-27

An Evening with Amy Julia Becker

Amy Julia Becker, award-winning author and speaker on disability, family, culture and faith, shared her insights and led a question-and-answer session on March 3, 2024.

Artwork Created by Young Adults with Rainbow Express Ministries

Artwork with hearts
Artwork with four crosses
Artwork with multicolored strokes
Artwork of flowers with birdhouse and butterflies
Artwork of mountains
Artwork with cross and heart
Watercolor artwork of cross
Watercolor artwork of cross and heart
Artwork with hearts and text
Artwork of cross with multicolored background
Artwork of world with people and hearts
Artwork of two people
Artwork of horizontal strokes
Artwork of purple strokes
Artwork of crosses
Pizza artwork
Artwork of cross with sky background
Artwork of dark colorful strokes
Artwork showcasing friends
Artwork of cross with sun
Artwork of green objects
Artwork of cross with striped background
Watercolor artwork of cross and roses with colorful background

The church is incomplete without the presence and service of everyone -- watch our video below to learn more!

Get further involved in ongoing efforts by completing the "Ways to Embrace Disabilities" form then return it to the Church Office. 

Link to All Easter Worship Services & Events