1st Sunday of Advent
Just these lines, my friends …
… to say that I’m hopeful you’ll read this note before Thanksgiving Day. If so, may I be the first to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving 2022.
Sunday was a wonderful day of worship. The handbells at 8:15 and 11:00 were glorious. The Praise Band was so on it at 9:30. I began our worship series for the season, Christmas: A Feast for the Senses. As I said on Sunday, “I’m hopeful our study will enable us to have a sense-sational Christmas.” We’re exploring the unique paths to the Christ child our senses can provide. If you missed being with us, click to online worship here. View Hank Donaghy’s beautiful GodStory about applied Christianity here.
Our United Youth and leaders are back from their annual Fall Retreat to Look Up Lodge. Be sure to ask them about it. These times of renewal and community are so important to their faith development.
Thank you to all who showed up for a meaningful time of community Thanksgiving worship at the Mt. Moriah Church on Sunday night. We gathered with our friends from Matthews Presbyterian, Matthews First Baptist and Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist for a unique time of giving thanks.
On another note, give yourself a happy Thanksgiving moment by watching Ben Rector’s, The Thanksgiving Song by clicking here. Play it for all the people gathered around your Thanksgiving Table. You’ll be glad you did.
Pray With Me
God, give us eyes to see the wideness of your world shimmering with beauty and holiness.
Stimulate our imaginations, infusing us with courage and hope.
Surround us with friendship.
Plant us as seeds of resurrection. Amen.
Financial Generosity
Thank you for the over 250 Estimate of Giving Pledges that have been turned in for 2023! If you have been unable to make your commitment for 2023 you can do so by clicking here or bring it to church on Sunday morning. The Joash Chest will be open again this Sunday.
With regard to 2022, I said on Sunday that we need $620,000.00 by December 31 to make our budget for 2022. We can do it church. Let’s all be prayerful about the part we can play in closing that gap by year end. You can always make a gift by clicking here.
Wednesday Devotional
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch my devotional for the week titled: When Will Jesus Come?
This Sunday in Worship
We invite you to join this Sunday at 8:15 am (traditional; in person only), 9:30 am (contemporary; in person or online here), 11:00 am (traditional; in person or online here) or 12:30 (Spanish; in person or on demand here).
In our Spanish-speaking CCH community, Pastor Roldan is preaching from Romans 13:11-14. and his sermon is titled, A Good Conscience.
This Sunday, we will continue our Advent/Christmas Series, Christmas: A Feast for the Senses. We are exploring what it means to know God through our eyes, by seeing (sight). My sermon is from Mark 8:22-26 and is titled, The Mister Magoo Syndrome. Even though one-third of our brain is dedicated to the sense of sight, it is easy for us to be spiritually blind. The tragedy of sin is that we become blind to our own blindness. We need the healing power of Jesus to truly see reality and, especially, the eternal worth of the people around us. We will conclude the first morning of Advent with a time at the Table.
I do hope you’ll invite someone to church this week that may be looking for an inspiring start to a sense-sational holiday season. Click here for all of the opportunities during our sense-sational Christmas Celebration at MUMC!
And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, and yet, hopeful days, remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.
We are the church, together,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II
Did you know that Greg Smith was named the Town of Matthews Veteran of the Year? Congratulations, Greg, and thank you for your service.
Did you know that Marty Clark has faithfully and cheerfully served New Directions Sunday School Class for 24 years? The class celebrated her devotion on Sunday with gifts and joy. Thank you, Marty!
Did you know that Hearts & Hands knitted and/or crocheted 152 hats that were donated to the children at Greenway Park Elementary school? This is a -wonderful outreach to help keep children warm. If you would like to help this ministry that not only makes hats but baby blankets, prayer shawls and prayer- squares, you can either donate yarn or your talents to make these items. Please contact Kim at 704-815-1913 to learn more or become involved in this creative ministry.
Did you know that hundreds attended the 2022 Arts and Crafts Extravaganza, shopping at 61 vendor booths? The event, sponsored by United Women in Faith and the Matthews Help Center, was a great success, thanks to the vendors and shoppers!
Did you know that eight MUMC members cooked and served a Thanksgiving meal for the congregation of United Worship Center in New Bern, NC last week? They served 90 residents of the community; different faiths and races gave thanks together. Earl & Jeannette Coggins, Julie & Larry Curtis, Carol & Sam Hatcher and Marilyn & Joe George collaborated with members of the Catholic faith, stayed in housing provided by the Baptists Men on Mission and planned future projects with the United Worship Center. Thanks be to God!
Did you know that November 29 is Giving Tuesday, a unique day dedicated to uplifting community, empowering nonprofits and celebrating kindness? If you’d like to give a gift of thanksgiving to MUMC on this special day, please do so by clicking HERE. Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering.
Did you know that our Christmas Eve offering will support the following Global Impact Missions: Matthews HELP Center, Common Heart, and those impacted by Hurricane Ian via the Western NC Conference relief fund? You may contribute now through December 31, 2022, by simply indicating “Christmas Eve offering” in the memo line of your check, on the envelope, or in the drop-down menu online.