12th Sunday after Pentecost
Just these lines, my friends …
We are looking forward to having Pastor Chuck return from his time of rest & renewal (read FAQ) on Tuesday, September 6. Be sure to join in worship every Sunday morning in person, live online when you are traveling, or throughout the week on our youtube.com/matthewsumc channel.
Ministry Made Possible by Your Giving, Serving & Loving!
Throughout the summer, the Music & Worship Arts Department has continued to serve faithfully in the life of Matthews UMC. Sunday mornings, week after week, there has been a wonderful support from the various members of the ministry, both vocally and instrumentally, to lead our traditional and contemporary worship services.
Every Sunday there has been a plethora of talent to help lead hymns, offertories, and communion. Soloists, duets, small ensembles of every type have served as worship leaders. We are grateful for the extraordinary skills of Craig Estep (Director of Music & Worship Arts), Kathy White (Organist and Music Associate) John Woodall (Directory of Contemporary Worship), and John Biggers (Contemporary Worship Associate).
We also want to recognize one of the highlights of summer, A Night on Broadway, which featured a 50-person choir with 16-year-olds singing alongside 80-year-olds. Well over 300 people attended this ice cream social and fundraiser for the Christmas concert instrumentalists.
So many church music ministries take a hiatus during the summer, but the philosophy of our Music Ministry is… if we are in town and not away on a family vacation, why don’t we provide worship music to our family at Matthews? And we’ve had new members join in sharing their musical talents during this time in both services.
We are so fortunate to have such incredible worship leaders in our Music Ministry. Because of Covid, so many area churches have downsized their departments, eliminated choirs altogether, sold off their instruments or simply haven’t even started back to full capacity yet. We are truly blessed by such wonderful volunteers willing to give their time and talents to glorify God!
Below are just a few of our opportunities that you don’t want to miss:
- Back to School Carnival – Saturday, August 27, 5:30-7 pm
- Our Path Forward Session – Sunday, August 28, 9:30-10:30 & 11:00-12:00
- Teen-A-Palooza – Sunday, August 28, 5:00-7:30
- Lemonade Outreach at Matthews Alive! – Saturday, September 3, 9-2 pm. Click here to volunteer for 1-hour shift or learn about donating lemonade.
- MUMC Golf Outing: Driving for a Better Community – Thursday, September 22
Featured Videos from the Devotional Archives
While Pastor Chuck is away, members of our staff are selecting video devotions from our archives to feature here. Watch this devotion titled: The Meaning of Scars. Sometimes it is the most challenging life experiences (the ones that leave scars) that shape us. Scars are proof that God has seen us through those times.
This Sunday in Worship
We invite you to join this Sunday in person or online at 8:15 am (traditional – in person only), 9:30 am (contemporary), 11:00 am (traditional) or 12:30 (Spanish – in person only).
In our morning worship services in the Sanctuary, Pastor Corey’s sermon is titled I Choose from Hebrews 12:1-3 & 1 Corinthians 9:24, 26-27. We will have our Back2School Blessing: All students & education staff are invited to bring their backpacks, briefcases, tote bags, or tool belts to worship for a special blessing to surround the new school year in prayer.
In our Spanish-speaking CCH community, Pastor Roldan’s message is titled: A Necessary Confrontation from John 8:39-47.
Be sure to stop by The Commons for WillBeans Coffee & Fellowship with Friends from 9-11 am on Sundays. Rainbow Express Ministries, a Global Impact Partner, is serving Rainbow Roast Coffee (by donation) specially made by local roaster, Magnolia Coffee.
And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, and hopeful days, remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.
Did you know that MUMC hosted a basketball camp for COSKids, a Global Impact Partner, last week in the Gym? The camp sponsor, Cierra Burdick, a professional WNBA player, led sessions with kids during the afternoon. Our MUMC Facilities team coordinated all the details to make this camp a success.
Did you know that Global Impact donated cleaning supplies for the Changed Choices transition house? Your generous giving to Global Impact allows us to provide supplies to our partners.
Did you know that MUMC supported the Hug-A-Cop event at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist on Saturday, August 20? We enjoyed food and fellowship as we thanked first responders and police officers for their work in our community.
Did you know that Global Impact helped purchase a tractor for our partner in Kidron Valley, Uganda? Pastor John will use the tractor to grow food for the children in the orphanage. With staggering food costs, KIVAM is growing more food for the children and for others in their community. Your gifts to Global Impact allow us to help the hungry in Kidron Valley.