Just These Lines Pastor Blog

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Featured image for “Climbing Together”
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 Just These Lines

Climbing Together

23rd Sunday after Pentecost | All Saints Sunday Just these lines, my friends … … to say that my heart breaks for so much going on in the world; I have been spending extra time in prayer these days, offering to God my prayers for peace in Palestine and Israel, prayers for our national government amid chaotic leadership in Congress,...
Featured image for “Do You Believe in a Higher Power?”
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 Just These Lines

Do You Believe in a Higher Power?

22nd Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to ask if you heard our Sanctuary Choir singing the Irish Blessing as a Benediction this past Sunday? If you missed hearing them or my sermon on The Pathway of Worship, you can click here. By the way, I love so many things about our church … BUT I...
Featured image for “You Just Need to Show Up”
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 Just These Lines

You Just Need to Show Up

20th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say thank you for your flexibility with worshipping in the gym on Sunday. We are so fortunate to have this space and to utilize it from time to time for all-church worship when necessary. We will be back in the Sanctuary this coming Sunday.. I think you will...
Featured image for “A Letter of Reference for the Poor”
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 Just These Lines

A Letter of Reference for the Poor

20th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say the weekend was such an important, impactful one for us: our Scouts and BBQ all weekend, Bingo Night (photos below), United Methodist Men, and all kinds of Saturday training. Then Sunday brought dynamic Family Worship in the Gym, and for those in the Sanctuary, didn’t I tell...
Featured image for “There Is Nothing You Can Do About It”
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 Just These Lines
 United Kids

There Is Nothing You Can Do About It

19th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say I was absolutely delighted by our young people and their leaders as they led us in worship for Youth Sunday! Their energy and poise made for a powerful morning. Every other year, we are able to combine their witness with World Communion Sunday. World Communion is an...
Featured image for “You Are The Light”
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 Just These Lines

You Are The Light

18th Sunday after Pentecost | World Communion Sunday | Youth Sunday Just these lines, my friends … … to say Sunday was an unforgettable day: beautiful, inspiring music, 22 first-graders receiving their Bible and the third week of our fall worship series, The Pathway of Discipleship. This week’s emphasis was The Pathway of Service. You can worship with us by...
Featured image for “Hope is a Dangerous Thing”
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 Just These Lines

Hope is a Dangerous Thing

17th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say I love our times together each Sunday. This past week we experienced together the baptism for Elise Katherine & Grant William Hamrick and Kena Jana Hockfeld. Holy, Holy moments! And how about a newcomer to us, Suzanne Harmon, and her cello. Oh My! Welcome, Suzanne, to our...
Featured image for “Jesus is Coming”
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 Just These Lines
 United Kids

Jesus is Coming

16th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say that our Sunday (9/10) was a special one: Family Worship in the Gym (I heard there was quite a kazoo band on hand), the balcony presence of Stumptown Brass, the powerful music of our Praise Team, Kathy White on the organ after a time of vacation, the...
Featured image for “No More Distractions”
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 Just These Lines

No More Distractions

15th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say thank you to Pastor Paul, Pastor Jenny, and all our staff community as well as our many volunteers in their excellent leadership in worship on Labor Day Weekend Sunday. If you missed being in worship or Pastor Paul’s message, you can click here to view one of...