Just These Lines Pastor Blog

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Featured image for “Ukraine, God & Suffering”
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 Just These Lines

Ukraine, God & Suffering

Palm Sunday Just these lines, my friends … … to say that it has been a big week around the church: Sam Hatcher and his bees at Seasoned to Perfection (STP), forty-three on Saturday at the Methodist Men Breakfast, Charlie’s Heart Carnival at Stumptown Park, a great turnout for the Congregational Rainbow Photo with Inclusive Grace (below), a lovely Muslim couple at...
Featured image for “The Parable of the Good Samaritan”
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 Just These Lines

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

5th Sunday in Lent Just these lines, my friends … … to say that our time in worship this week was so rich: hopeful prayers from our pastors, the reading of a challenging parable by two of our laity, our delightful Flute Choir, amazing energy from our Praise Team and an extraordinary moment of worship with our Sanctuary Choir in...
Featured image for “The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks”
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 Global Impact
 Just These Lines

The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks

4th Sunday in Lent Just these lines, my friends … … to say thank you for all our worship leaders from Sunday: Kathy White, Craig Estep, DeAnna Clink, Dimitriy Soloshenko, Tim Martin, John Woodall, Joel Mullis, Tom Amann, Carl Roberts, The Melody Makers, Children’s Chime Choir (led by Karen Price & Tina Fincher) and Children’s Choir (led by Abigail Okland)...
Featured image for “Facing Adversity with Faith”
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 Just These Lines

Facing Adversity with Faith

3rd Sunday in Lent Just these lines, my friends … … to say that we heard wonderful witnesses from our two Martin Luther King Jr. scholarship recipients in church on Sunday. Indya Burns and Timothy Little hail from the Mt. Moriah/Crestdale community of Matthews. These scholarships are made possible by your Global Impact support and several community-minded churches here in...
Featured image for “National Napping Day”
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 Just These Lines

National Napping Day

2nd Sunday in Lent Just these lines, my friends … … to say that last few days have marked the beginning of the season of Lent in the Christian faith. As many of us celebrate special dates on calendars, so does the church. In Christianity, we observe particular dates that cause us to reflect on Jesus’ life and ministry and...
Featured image for “A Blessed Ash Wednesday”
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 Just These Lines

A Blessed Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday / 1st Sunday in Lent (March 6) Just these lines, my friends … … to say that yesterday was a gray, rainy day … but a rich and meaningful one filled with so many families making financial faith commitments and life commitments to the work of Global Impact in the year ahead. Last year, you brought them by...
Featured image for “Living on Purpose”
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 Just These Lines

Living on Purpose

8th Sunday after the Epiphany Just these lines, my friends … … to say I know we all so enjoyed Rev. Tony Marciano from the Charlotte Rescue Mission this past Sunday. One takeaway quote for me was as follows: “Everything we do is to make the love of God real to the Agnes’ of this world.” Now if that line...
Featured image for “A Real Christian”
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 Just These Lines

A Real Christian

7th Sunday after the Epiphany Just these lines, my friends … … to say thank you to all who plan and then lead us in our worship services. This past Sunday we had four rich experiences of worship in the sanctuary, along with our once-a-month United Kids Family Worship in the Gym. I know of several families new to the...
Featured image for “Frodo & the Ring”
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 Just These Lines

Frodo & the Ring

8th Sunday after the Epiphany Just these lines, my friends … …to say that I love the privilege that is mine to be one of your pastors and to invite you to the Table of our Lord, whether you are in our sanctuary or gathered with your family at home. If you missed worship this past Sunday, you can experience...