Inclusivity & Justice

As our welcome statement shares, "Matthews UMC embraces God's gift of diversity and rejoices in a loving, diverse community united in Christ." As an Open and Affirming (ONA) Church in Matthews, NC, we live out this commitment through a variety of ministries in the Charlotte area that reflect our focus on inclusivity and justice.
We offer something for every age level, a diverse Hispanic Ministry where six countries are represented, accessible resources for worship with large-print hymnals and resources in braille that can be found in the Narthex on Sunday mornings, and ministries at the heart of who we are that celebrate diversity and inclusion.
See highlights for some of these ministries outlined below, check out the group page for each where you can learn more, and be on the lookout for events featured in our calendar to have an active part in inclusivity and justice in our community and beyond.
Centro Cristiano Hosanna
Rainbow Ark Ministry for Persons with Disabilities & Embracing Disabilities Resources
Inclusive Grace
Based on Galatians 3:28 "...for you are all one in Christ Jesus," Inclusive Grace is a Reconciling Ministry of Matthews UMC that supports and celebrates LGBTQIA+ persons, their families, and friends, both within and beyond the church community in Matthews and the Charlotte area. Monthly meetings are held at the church and Lifelines are offered for one-on-one care and support. Link to the Inclusive Grace group page for all the opportunities of education, connection and support.
Racial-Bridge Building
The Micah Connection
The goal for this ministry is to engage the congregation and community on issues of civil and human rights, poverty, peace, health and climate as directed in Micah 6:8 "Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God." The focus is to provide tools to connect with and impact our community region, nation and world. Information sessions on relevant topics are offered, along with discussion about The United Methodist Church's view on the topic. Micah Connection events are featured in our online calendar. Learn more on our Micah Connection group page.
Watch the following video for an introduction to the Biblical theme of justice.