Celebrate Christmas at Matthews
Candlelight Christmas Eve Services
- 1:00 pm Kids & Family Worship 50-minute service in the Gym (no candlelight/communion) followed by Nativity with live animals in the Courtyard.
- 2:30 & 4:30 pm - Kids & Family Christmas Worship (Gym) Join in a Multi-Generational Acoustic Service with Candlelight and Communion. Children are welcome at all services, but this extra-special experience is sure to delight the little ones as it features carols, an interactive nativity where your whole family can participate, and a Christmas message followed by a time of fellowship.
- 6 pm - Contemporary (Sanctuary & Livestream) The Matthews UMC Praise Team will lead our Contemporary Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship with Communion at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
- 7:30 pm - Servicio en Espanol - Pastor Roldan will lead our Centro Cristiano Hosanna worship in Spanish in the Gym with a time of Communion and special Christmas songs.
- 9 pm & 11 pm - Traditional (Sanctuary & Livestream) The Matthews UMC Chancel Choir, Stumptown Brass and Joyful Ringers Handbell Choir will lead our Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service with Communion at 9:00 and 11:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Nativity with live animals in the Courtyard at Midnight.
*Nursery (3 & under) provided for all services, except 9 & 11 pm.

Christmas Eve Offering will support Global Impact Mission Partners: Matthews HELP Center, Western NC Disaster Relief, and Home2Home Ministries. Contribute until Dec 31 by indicating "Christmas Eve Offering" in your check memo line, on the envelope, or in the drop-down menu online.
Christmas Event Highlights
- Advent Study The Christmas Letters - Women's study begins Dec 2 & Group for All begins Dec 4 Register Now!
- Angel Tree Gifts - Pick up a tag starting Nov 10, Wrapped gift due by Sunday, Dec 1 - Volunteer to Serve
- Community Holiday Movie Night Sunday, Dec 1 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm In the Large Parking Lot
- Christmas-Themed Parents Night Out Friday, Dec 6 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
- Classy vs Tacky Youth Group Sunday, December 8 at 6:00 pm
- Melody Makers Community Choir Christmas Concert Tuesday, Dec 10 at 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary RSVP for Tasty Tuesday Lunch following event
- Surviving the Holidays: Support & Care with GriefShare on Saturday, Dec 14 from 3:00-5:00 pm
- College-Age & Young Adult Christmas Party Saturday, Dec 14 at 7:00 pm
- United Kids Family Worship: Jingle Jam Sunday, Dec 15 at 9:30 am in the Gym (Please note this special Family Worship date.)
- The Light of Christmas Concert presented by MUMC Worship & Music Arts on Sunday, Dec 15 at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
- Rainbow Express Live Nativity Sunday, Dec 15 & Monday, Dec 16 from 5:30-7:30 pm at White House on Fullwood
- Youth Very Merry Christmas Party Sunday, December 15 at 6:00 pm
- Carols After Work Wednesday-Friday, Dec 18-20, Drop In from 5:30-6:15 pm in the Sanctuary to celebrate the season with song
- Nativity Services featuring children and our little ones on Sunday, Dec 22 during 8:15, 9:30, & 11:00 am Sanctuary services
- Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Saturday, December 24: Kids & Family Worship at 1:00 (with nativity following), 2:30 & 4:30 pm (Gym), Contemporary at 6 pm, Servicio en Espanol at 7:30 pm, and Traditional at 9 & 11 pm (followed by nativity with live animals in the Courtyard at midnight)
- Combined Worship at 9:30 on Sunday, December 29 (No 8:15 & 11:00 am - this date only) CCH Spanish-speaking service will be held at the special time of 11:30 am in the Sanctuary.
Advent Series: A Baby Changes Everything!
Rituals can replace the faith they were meant to convey. Worship can become a mindless mumbling of empty words and phrases. And Christmas has become for many, little more than a dutiful march through a prepackaged set of events that have very little purpose or meaning.
Is there any way you can drill down through all the rituals and customs and trappings and wrappings and touch the pure wonder of this event that rocked the world?
This Advent Season, open yourself and let God do something new in your life. Open yourself to something new and exciting and fresh and unexpected. It may be challenging and even painful. Like Mary, a sword may pierce your soul, but in the end it will turn out beyond your wildest dreams, something dizzyingly and breathtakingly wonderful from God.
In the Spirit of the Child of Christmas,
Pastor Chuck Wilson
Dec 1: "Urgent" (John the Baptist) - Luke 3:1-20
Dec 8: "Expectant" (Simeon) - Luke 2:21-38
Dec 15: "Astonished" (Elizabeth & Zechariah) - Luke 1:5-25
Dec 22: "Surrendered" (Mary & Joseph) - Luke 1:26-38
Christmas Eve: "Staggered" (Jesus) - Luke 2:1-20