Just These Lines Pastor Blog

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Featured image for “Hope, Light & Love”
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 Just These Lines

Hope, Light & Love

Easter/April 8, 2020 Just these lines, my friends …  … to say that I really miss you. I so miss being with you on Sundays (face-to-face). It’s strange – when I gather with our pastors and musicians (no more than 10) on Sunday in our expansive Sanctuary to do our livestream worship service, we still do feel the presence of...
Featured image for “Good News Abounds”
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 Global Impact
 Just These Lines

Good News Abounds

Passion/Palm Sunday/April 1, 2020 Just these lines… … to say a special word of thanks to the hundreds of you who have been joining us for worship each week in these uncertain, turbulent days. You can watch this past Sunday’s service here and join a small group here to stay connect through the week.  Something I think will enhance your worship at...
Featured image for “What Might Be Birthed in This Season?”
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 Global Impact
 Just These Lines
 We Are Matthews

What Might Be Birthed in This Season?

5th Sunday in Lent/March 25, 2020 Just these lines, my friends … … to say that I do hope, if you haven’t already done so, that you will please take some time to watch our worship service from Sunday, March 22. The music was uplifting and Pastor Paul’s message was a straight arrow for our hurts and fears. Here is...
Featured image for “A Prayer for These Unsettled Times”
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 Just These Lines

A Prayer for These Unsettled Times

4th Sunday in Lent/March 18, 2020 Just these lines, my friends … … to say that a common comment I have seen in the media and on social over the past few days has been “church is canceled.” I want to reassure you that while we have suspended in-person gatherings and services for some days, church has NOT been canceled....
Featured image for “Celebrating Presence”
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 Just These Lines

Celebrating Presence

3rd Sunday in Lent/March 11, 2020 Just these lines, my friends…. … to say that I’m delighted to share with you that the following persons joined our transforming church community this past Sunday: Don and Deborah Morrison, Mike and Molly Butts, Maureen Laurer, Colleen Puceta, John, Judy and Jimmy Desmedt, Byard Bost, Duayal and Nanda Jayaseelen (Madeleine Grace), Gayle Kiser...
Featured image for “High Steppin’ & Preparations for the Coronavirus”
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 Just These Lines

High Steppin’ & Preparations for the Coronavirus

2nd Sunday in Lent/March 4, 2020 Just these lines, my friends … … to say that Lent is upon us! I love this holy season. I delight in seeing the purple paraments appear in the Sanctuary. I feel grounded witnessing spiritual practices going on in our classrooms and worship spaces. Every week around Matthews United Methodist (MUMC) seems to be...
Featured image for “Doing the Hard Thing”
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 Global Impact
 Just These Lines

Doing the Hard Thing

7th Sunday after Epiphany/February 19, 2020 Just these lines, my friends …  … to say what a splendid morning we had with Bishop Will Willimon this past Sunday! He has been leading United Methodists for decades. I’m profoundly grateful for the impact he has had in my life. And what a challenging word to us! Why he even found something...
Featured image for “FOR the Community”
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 Just These Lines

FOR the Community

5th Sunday after the Epiphany/Global Impact/February 5, 2020 Just these lines, my friends … … to say that what a weekend around here, in the church building and in the parking lot: The Marriage Course with our Marriage Ministry on Friday night; Our Men’s Ministry gathering at our monthly breakfast and hearing Bo Bobrowski give witness to the work of...
Featured image for “Super Bowl & Humble Hearts”
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 Just These Lines

Super Bowl & Humble Hearts

Just these lines, my friends … … to say that this past Saturday (January 25) was quite a day for us: Leadership Connection with 125 of our church leaders gathering, a Charge Conference approving our spending plan for 2020, and a Service of Death and Resurrection celebrating the life of Daisy Trivette. Daisy was/is one of the great 90+ year...