5th Sunday after the Epiphany
Just these lines …
… to say that Rev. Linda Kelly is a bright, bright light … and funny, funny, funny. She can give Paul Craig a run for his money when it comes to humor. I know you enjoyed hearing her on Sunday. You’ll be seeing her every Sunday leading in worship. Hold her close in your prayers as she serves among us over the next few months. You will love connecting with her. We are most fortunate to have her with us during this interim time through June.
There was so much about Sunday worship that was so special:
- The Joyful Ringers under the direction of Craig Estep. They make those bells sing.
- Our Lay Readers reading scripture most weeks in worship. They make the Bible come alive.
- Our Contemporary Praise Band at the 9:30 hour. They had us clapping our hands and stomping our feet. The song, Thank God I Do, was stunning.
- Our Sanctuary Choir under the direction of Craig Estep preparing us for the Table of our Lord with the anthem Prayer of Communion.
You can worship with us by clicking here.
Bishop Ken Carter is our episcopal leader here in Western North Carolina. He is my boss and our spiritual leader. He wrote something this past week that spoke so deeply to me: “… how to stay engaged, how to focus on what is within our power to do, and that is always to do justice, to love mercy, to walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).”
He concluded with this prayer:
May we turn toward each other in understanding and with love.
May we turn toward our neighbor in mercy and with courage.
May we turn toward you, O God, in trust and with assurance.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
As my dear friend, wise sage, and insurance counselor, Hank Donaghy would say to me, “Make it a great day, friend.”
Video Devotional
I’ve always loved doing my daily Bible Reading from Eugene Peterson’s The Message. I love how his translation can transform a familiar verse into something new and vibrant. I hope you’ll watch and listen to my devotional from I Kings 3, A God-Listening Heart.
Upcoming Events
- Charge Conference – Wednesday, February 5, 7 pm to make a pastoral salary adjustment and approve the 2025 spending plan. Zoom link here; passcode: council
- Souper Bowl of Caring – Sunday, February 9 Details
- Early Response Training (ERT) – Saturday, February 15, 9:00-4:00 at MUMC. Open to all ages 16 & up (16 & 17 year olds should be accompanied by parent). Limited to 40 individuals. Register here
- Global Impact Celebration – February 16 – March 2. Details below
- 19th Community Forum for Racial Bridge-Building – Tuesday, February 18, 7 pm at MUMC, Details
- Parents Night Out – Friday, February 21, Details
- THE PRAYER COURSE – Beginning Monday, Feb 24, 10-11:30 am. Conversation, testimony & teaching to help you deepen your prayer life. Led by Carolyn Perlman, Register.
- STROLLING WITH THE SPIRIT – Wednesdays at 12 Noon (Meets weekly by the mailboxes unless raining). Walk and share in conversation. No registration, Info
Mark Your Calendars for the 2025 Global Impact Mission Celebration
2/16 – Mission Fair in The Commons between services from 9am-Noon. Speakers in Worship & Small Groups.
2/19 – Dessert Event in The Commons at 7pm with Kathy Izard, “Trust the Whisper” Author
2/22 – Saturday Serve Day from 9am-Noon. Individual & family serving opportunities on-site and in the community with mission partners. Register
2/23 – Speakers in Worship with a Focus on Western NC Disaster Relief
3/2 – Global Impact Life & Faith Commitment Sunday
This Sunday in Worship
We invite you to join us this Sunday in person at 8:15 (Traditional), 9:30 (Contemporary), 9:30 (Family Worship in the Gym),11:00 (Traditional), or online at 9:30, 11:00 or 12:30 (Spanish – in person or here on demand).In our Spanish-speaking CCH community, Ramon and Alejandra will be giving witness to their faith while Pastor Roldan will be preaching from Hebrews 11:8-11. His message is entitled, Moved by Faith.
This Sunday, the title of my sermon is The Tragic Choice of Safety from Mark 10:17-23.
All are welcome to join Family Worship (9:30 in the Gym), an interactive, high-energy worship service for the whole family. This month we’ll be looking at the virtue of Uniqueness, as we explore how we can “Learn more about ourselves so we can make a difference.” Plan to stay following the service, for refreshments and a Family Activity where we’ll make a fun take-home game that highlights how God made each one of us in such an amazing and wonderful way.
Also, let’s celebrate Souper Bowl of Caring together with United Youth by bringing canned goods (shopping list on link above) & monetary donations to help fight to end hunger in our local community.
Do you have a friend struggling with faith? Do they have to have it all figured out? Maybe Sunday would be a good day to invite them along to Matthews United Methodist. They just might find a place that is not glib with easy answers but makes room for the hard questions. Who knows, maybe what they will hear is “Welcome home.”
And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, and yet hope-filled days. Remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.
Better … together,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II
Did you know that the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) gifted MUMC with 20 1-day bus passes for folks who stop by the church in need of temporary transportation? They stated, “It is because MUMC blesses the community.” CATS in turn blessed us and the community! So generous and we are so grateful.