The Storm on the Lake

The Storm on the Lake

Published November 18, 2020

Christ the King Sunday | November 18, 2020
Just these lines, my friends …

… to say that I hope you had the opportunity to view one of our worship services on Sunday. This was our final service/sermon in the series Onward Together … with Love. If you missed it, you can watch here. Be sure to watch it all the way through for two short films we share with you. One from our United Kids and one from our United Youth. They will inspire you deeply.

I was blown away this past Sunday afternoon by your response to the Joash Chest. I asked Karen (my wife) bring our commitment card for 2021. I told her, “I’ve got to make sure at least one car shows up.” But then you came … dozens and dozens of you came. I was so deeply moved by your faithfulness. Moreover, it gave me the opportunity to tell you how much we love and miss you.

Thank you to the many individuals and families who are supporting the mission of God through MUMC by end‑of‑year giving, as well as providing estimate-of-giving cards for 2021. Click here to print a Financial Commitment Card, and click here to enter your pledge online.

The coming holidays are an excellent time to encourage others to join us for worship.  I hope you will send a link to persons you know to join us online.  As I said this past Sunday, “We are an invitational church.”

The recent news of successful vaccine trials was a welcome treat. I am so excited for next year, and grow in anticipation of a more normal return to the ministry of MUMC. I hope you will consider going by the Mt. Moriah Church on Wednesday, November 25, for COVID testing by Atrium Health from 8 am to 2:30 pm. You don’t even have to get out of your car … AND it is free.

My devotional for today is titled The Storm on the Lake from Mark 4:35-41. You can view it by clicking here.

Advent Begins on November 29

Sunday, November 29, is the beginning of the season of Advent … the season of waiting. Advent signals the New Year for the people called Christians. It is a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus. It is not the time to run away and hide our heads in the sand, though no doubt we’d like to put the last nearly 9 months behind us.  It is a time to stand up and raise our heads, because our redemption is drawing near.  It is a time for us to be awake and alert so we will not miss the Light that dawns in the dark places of our own lives that feel desolate, confusing and beyond hope.

During Advent 2020, especially in these days of disconnection, I hope you’ll take some steps to connect more deeply with your church. One of the ways you can do so is to participate in one of our Advent group opportunities. They will go right along with our Advent worship series, The Many Moods of Christmas. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to spend special moments connecting more deeply with God and one another. You can sign up to be a part of a group here, or go directly to the study guide by clicking here.

  • November 29 – Christmas Anticipation (Luke 1:5-22)
  • December 6 – Christmas Catastrophe (Genesis 3:13-15
  • December 13 – Christmas Laughter (Matthew 1:18-25)
  • December 20 – Christmas Ambiguity (Luke 1:26-38)
  • December 24 – Christmas Mess, Christmas Magic (Luke 2:1-20)

This Sunday (November 22) in Worship

I hope you’ll be with us for online worship this Sunday at 9:30 am (contemporary), 11:00 am (traditional) or 12:30 (Spanish-speaking).

This week as our CCH community gathers for worship at 12:30 pm, Pastor Roldan will continue the worship series, The Movement Has to Continue, preaching from Acts 4:27-31. His message is Revive Your Altar.

In our morning services, Pastor Paul will be preaching. His sermon is from Matthew 25:31-26 and is titled, What’s on the Final Exam. Pastor Paul says, “In his parable, Jesus gives us the criteria upon which God will either invite us to enter God’s kingdom or depart from God’s presence. It’s always better to be prepared than surprised.”

And, as always, during these strange, uncertain and tumultuous days remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.

Onward Together … with Love,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II

Did you know that Quinn Holmquist & Annie Janick became engaged the weekend of November 7th?  Quinn is a child of Matthews UMC, and Annie is from Fort Mill.  Both currently live in Durham, NC.  Congratulations to this special couple!

Did you know that during this time of Covid that the Communications Ministryhas been sharing a monthly print version of Celebration News with over 70 of our shut-in friends? This week’s Advent edition will include a special print version of “The Many Moods of Christmas” study so each individual can feel connected this holiday season. Jeanette Winslow has also helped to lead efforts for continued connection and help with Zoom for these cherished individuals!

Did you know that the Paschal Candle was given to Matthews UMC by Jim, Meg and Blaydes Moore in memory of Meg’s parents, Jules and Loretta Corey, for their example of Christian character and faithful service to Matthews UMC?  Thank you, Jim, Meg & Blaydes!