Matthews United Methodist Church: United Kids | Internships
a ministry of Matthews United Methodist Church


Summer Internship

Role of Summer Internships
The role of summer internships at Matthews United Methodist Church is to provide a space for vocational discernment while allowing identification and cultivation of gifts with growth in professional development in a church setting. These internships are open to young adults in college or grad school.

We will do this by:
+ Welcoming the intern to excellent ministry work and leaders who will provide hands on mentorship.
+ Developing the intern’s leadership and ministry gifts through their interaction with key staff and volunteer leaders.
+Giving the intern equal opportunities to lead and be led. Duties will be chosen to give the intern opportunities to manage the details of programming and also to practice ministry, and to actively participate in many of the programs while they are in the department.
+ Helping the intern grow in knowledge, faith, and maturity within a ministry setting.

The church and participating ministry area will benefit by:
+Receiving valuable ministry work and support from the intern, along with open feedback and long term vision planning.
+ Helping to fulfill our vision to connect the church with the world by initiating, cultivating, and /or strengthening the call to ministry for the intern and thereby rising up young leaders for the church.
+ Helping nurture skills and talents, that can be used for a career in ministry or other nonprofit work.

Looking for Three Types of Interns:
1. People who are exploring Vocational Ministry
2. People who are exploring Vocation in Non-Profits
3. People who have a heart for Christ and desire to explore how they can help lead their local church as a young adult while working in the secular world.

The Director of Youth and College-Age Ministries will oversee the recruitment of candidates. Candidates will be screened for inclusion into the program through an application process. Following the initial screen, candidates will then be interviewed. The final hiring decision will be left to their supervisor, the Director of Youth and College-Age Ministries.

Click Here: 2025 Summer Internship Application [fillable PDF]
[All applications, letters of reference, & resumes must be emailed to Corey Milliet no later than the April 13, 2025.]

If you are interested or have any questions about our summer internship with the Youth or College-Age Ministry, please call Corey Milliet at 704-815-1941.

United Youth | Internships
