When the World is at Its Worst

When the World is at Its Worst

Published November 13, 2024

26th Sunday after Pentecost
Just these lines, my friends …

… to say that Sunday was a defining moment in the 148-year history of Matthews United Methodist Church (MUMC). It is always heartwarming to see so many of you streaming toward our Joash Chest and making commitments. This year, it was especially so, because many of you were making two commitments: first of all, to our General Fund and then secondly, to our Building Fund to refurbish our Sanctuary. And it’s not too late to make your commitment! The Joash Chest will remain open for your commitments on Sundays, Nov 17 & 24, or you may pledge online or mail your pledge to the Church.

The day was also filled with honoring our Veterans with beautiful music and celebratory words. The women and men who have served through the Armed Forces of our nation just blow me away. If you missed these holy, holy moments please be sure to click here to worship.


I also made a brief statement about our recent election using the wise words of the bishop of the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, Ken Carter. He writes, “As disciples of Jesus Christ, let us move beyond a season of blaming, disparaging and dehumanizing to one of blessing, encouraging and empowering …”

Bishop Carter continues, “In our own lives, let us move from hostility to hospitality, welcoming one another as Christ has welcomed us, for the glory of God. Let us be an alternative community that models holiness through love of God, our neighbors and even our enemies. Let us take a deep breath and return to the practices and relationships that restore the hope that is in us. And let us remember … through it all, we are one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world.”

I encourage you to read the larger context of these two quotes by clicking here.

Wednesday Devotional

I hope you’ll watch my devotional for this week: When the World is at Its Worst.

Upcoming Events

  • Operation Christmas Child Boxes due this Sunday, November 17! Boxes available at MUMC OR pack a box online.
  • Angel Tree – Select an angel from the tree & return gifts by Dec.1! Details
  • Arts & Crafts Extravaganza – Saturday, November 23, 9:00-2:00. Details
  • Community Thanksgiving Service – Sunday, November 24, 5:00 pm at Morning Star Lutheran Church (12509 Idlewild Rd, Matthews) Details
  • Advent Study: The Christmas Letters – Purchase book here. Hear about the miracle of Christ’s birth from those who first told the story.
    • Monday Morning Women’s Study, 10:00-11:30 am, December 2-23, Led by Carolyn Perlman, Register here.
    • Wednesday Evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm, December 4-December 18, Led by Jessica Fraser, Register here.

Advent Worship Series: A Baby Changes Everything

Is there any way you can drill down through all the rituals and customs and trappings and wrappings and touch the pure wonder of this event that rocked the world? Join in worship during December for our Advent worship series, A Baby Changes Everything. Open yourself and let God do something new, exciting, fresh and unexpected. It may be challenging and even painful. Like Mary, a sword may pierce your soul, but in the end it will turn out beyond your wildest dreams, something dizzyingly and breathtakingly wonderful from God.

View all of our Christmas happenings at Matthews UMC here!

This Sunday in Worship

We invite you this Sunday to join us in person at 8:15 (traditional), 9:30 (contemporary), and 11:00 (traditional), or online at 9:30, 11:00 or 12:30 (Spanish – in person or here on demand).

In our Spanish-speaking CCH (Centro Cristiano Hosanna) community, Pastor Roldan continues the worship series based on the Old Testament book of Daniel, titled Surviving in Babylon. This Sunday, Pastor Roldan will be preaching from Daniel 5:22-27 and the theme is Let Us Take Care of Our Reverence.

I’m having a hard time believing that Sunday we will be halfway through November. This Sunday, I’m planning to give you an update on where we stand with our financial commitments for our Beyond Hospitality efforts. My sermon for Sunday is titled Living Gratefully in a Grasping World from Luke 12:13-21. I’m also hopeful of having a special presentation being made to our church.

These days are exciting, meaningful, defining days for MUMC. Won’t you invite a friend, or neighbor, or acquittance to come and share with you and yours during these rich, rich days? Who knows, it may be just what they might need.

And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, and hopeful days, remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.

In the Community. For the Community.
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II

Did you know that Brenda Messera has completed the Global Ministries EarthKeepers training and will be commissioned in livestream service on November 19 at 8:00 pm? (Click here to join.) The EarthKeepers program trains and supports United Methodist laity and clergy to address local environmental concerns and the systemic structures that give rise to those concerns. During their training, EarthKeepers discussed ecotheology and United Methodist entry points into environmental stewardship. They articulated their senses of calling to this ministry, identified community assets and local environmental concerns, and developed project plans to address those concerns. The training was led by staff from Global Ministries, with resources from other United Methodist agencies. Way to go, Brenda!

Did you know that Brian Mateer, Director of Western NC Conference Disaster Relief Ministries came to Matthews UMC and picked up flood buckets, hygiene kits and a generator to deliver to friends in Western NC? Thank you, Brian, for your faith and commitment to this work!

Did you know that Emily Kratt of Scout troop 139 designed and created a beautiful mobile mural for the United Kids Nursery as her Eagle Scout project? The striking mural is titled The Days of Creation.

Did you know that following our Family Worship Service on Sunday, United Kids families packed 75 Christmas bags for kids in the Swannanoa area impacted by Hurricane Helene? Global Impact will deliver these bags to be distributed through a partnership with Skyland UMC in Asheville in December.