5th Sunday after Pentecost
Just these lines, my friends …
… to give thanks for virtual Vacation Bible School, young people in mission, doorstep and back yard confirmations and our first Service of Committal in the Memorial Garden/Columbarium (See photos and video below in the “Did You Know” section.) The actions of ministry are all around us. These things are all an extension of the hearts and hands of a people called Matthews.
I hope you will take the time to listen to Pastor Brad’s sermon from Sunday. It was outstanding. You can watch the service here.
I trust you are sensing the work of God in our midst. There are many reasons to begin breathing with greater ease and letting our hearts hope. Things are looking up! It’s an exciting time to be a part of the Matthews United Methodist Church (MUMC) family.
Wednesday Devotional
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch my “Practicing Decency and Civility” devotional for today. Please click here to watch.
A Celebration of Madeline Kamp
We continue to prepare for the day when this remarkable woman is no longer with us on staff. Madeline has captured our hearts and the hearts of our children for nearly 30 years. I’m delighted she will remain in the life and ministry of MUMC, but her last Sunday as Director of United Kids will be July 11. We will be celebrating her that day, and I know you will want to be present to say thank you. Click here for more info.
If you’d like to contribute to a love gift for Madeline, you can do so with a gift to her directly (non-taxable for Madeline), or you can mail a check to MUMC or give online (taxable for Madeline). Be sure to mark your contribution “Love Gift – Madeline Kamp.”
Join us in celebrating this remarkable servant of God!
Faith Communities and Mental Health
You are invited to join our Stephen Ministers for an intentional conversation about faith communities’ role with mental health. We will learn about the sacred opportunities that exist for a church to work on mental health together. This includes what it means to be trauma-informed, how to reduce stigma, and ways we can promote healthy and holistic practices. This conversation will be held Tuesday, June 29 at 7:00 pm via Zoom, and led by the Rev. Jessica Stokes, Associate Director of Partners in Health and Wholeness, NC Council of Churches, Click here to join in and use the passcode: class.
Genesis Garden
The Genesis Garden is located on the campus at Matthews UMC and provides fresh produce (asparagus, lettuce, carrots & peppers) to ministry partners and flowers for beautifying the campus. The garden is made possible by faithful volunteers with a passion to serve led by Julie Cochran. Everyone, school-age and up, is welcome to come out and help with flower arrangements, washing and bagging produce, delivery of produce/flowers while enjoying warm sunshine, fresh air and friendship! No prior gardening experience required and hours can be flexible. For more information, please contact Julie Cochran.
This Sunday in Worship
We invite you to join us in person or online this Sunday at 9:30 am (contemporary), 11:00 am (traditional) or 12:30 (Spanish – in person only).
In our Spanish-speaking CCH community, Pastor Roldan will conclude the worship series, The Clock is Ticking. He will be preaching from Matthew 25:31-40 with his message titled, The Works that Count.
At 9:30 am and 11:00 am, I’m going to do something really different. I’m going to share a teaching message titled The 10 Commandments for Wise Financial Living. There is no one central text, but we will look at ten different scripture lessons matching to each commandment. I hope you’ll be present in-person or online. I may even have a few surprises.
And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, tumultuous, perilous, and hopeful days of pandemic remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.
We are in this … together,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II
Did you know that our kids enjoyed Treasured Virtual VBS Plus last week? The children enjoyed great music, amazing skits and lessons from our talented church members, science, crafts, treats and Bible buddies. At our two family events we played games, got a little wet, went on a treasure hunt around Matthews and most importantly learned that we are “Treasured by God.” The older kids enjoyed VBS Preteen Style with daily challenges and agape gifts, service projects, praising God through song, and digging into the scriptures daily with their own personal devotion books. Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped make this VBS happen! Click here to see the fun they had!
Did you know that Pastor Chuck confirmed two of our young confirmands last week at their homes? Isla Wilds (daughter of Ian & Caroline Wilds) and Max Gilmore (son of Michael & Katie Gilmore) were not able to be in attendance on Confirmation Sunday. Congratulations, Isla & Max!
Did you know that our first Service of Committal was held in our new Memorial Garden/Columbarium this past Sunday? Be sure to visit the Memorial Garden during our Open House on Sunday, July 18, 9:00 – 12:00. Information will be available for church members interested in securing a niche or a memorial strip on the large memorial plaque in memory of someone who is buried somewhere other than the church. Learn more about the Memorial Garden here.
Did you know Home2Home Ministries picked up 24 pieces of donated furniture and delivered a mattress/box spring, washer and dryer, and helped the Charlotte Rescue Mission with furnishing two apartments for women at the Dove’s Nest (47 pieces of furniture and household items)? All this was done on Saturday, June 19. Amazing!