ONE Service This Sunday, September 18 at 10:30 am
No 8:15, 9:30 or 11:00 Services or Kids/Youth Sunday Morning Groups.
Click for Details: Hispanic Heritage Celebration Service
15th Sunday after Pentecost
Just these lines, my friends …
… to say how how excited I am for our one service time this coming Sunday at 10:30 am as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage together in a time of worship with our Centro Cristiano Hosanna congregation! (Please note for 9/18/22: there will be NO services at 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 & 12:30 Click for more details.) I love being your pastor! My heart sings for joy for all we share together.
On Sunday, we recalled the tragedy of September 11, 2002, as well as joining in our prayers for the country of Great Britain as they mourn the loss of their Queen.
Dorothy Day, the founder of the Catholic Worker Movement once said, “Common sense in religion is rare, and we are too often trying to be heroic instead of just ordinarily good and kind … On the one hand, we have to change the social order that men might lead decent lives, and on the other hand, we must remake ourselves.”
I love how Day simplifies the loftiest of our goals. Though talk of remaking ourselves and changing “the social order” might give us pause, what she is talking about is our mission as well – though in The United Methodist Church we use different wording: “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
It seems like such a heroic endeavor. How could we know where to begin? Day reminds us that discipleship – including both personal and community transformation – is brought about by ordinary goodness and kindness. We look to Micah 6:8 which reminds us that what God asks of us is “to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” No heroism required. Just an ordinary life faithfully lived.
Wednesday Devotional
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch my devotional for the week. It is a new one and titled, John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer. In the devotional I talk about the prayer, pray the prayer, and then invite you to do so.
The Good and Beautiful God study
This is the last week you can get signed up for our book study, The Good and Beautiful God, led by myself and Karen. We begin on September 21. Click here to get signed up!
This Sunday in Worship
As a reminder, this Sunday we join together with our CCH friends in ONE time of worship at 10:30 am in a combined Hispanic Heritage Celebration service. There will be NO 8:15, 9:30 or 11:00 Services & NO Kids and Youth Sunday Morning Groups. WillBeans will begin serving coffee at 9 am in The Commons so you can come before the service for fellowship! Click here for details. And now, as always, during these uncertain but hopeful days, remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.
We are the church, together,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II
Did you know that Frank and Terry Brown were commissioned in 11:00 worship on September 4 for their mission trip to Kenya? They are sharing their time with the orphan families we support through Zoe Empowers. Your gifts to Global Impact allow us to empower youth in Kenya. Thank you!
Did you know that 180 people attended Sunday’s Family Worship service focused on Trust? After the service, families used their creative flare to decorate pots for teachers at our Mission Partner education facilities: C.O.S. Kids, Greenway Park Elementary and the Alliance Center for Education. Then on Tuesday, volunteers from Seasoned to Perfection planted succulents in the artistic pots. What great intergenerational time of serving our Global Impact partners!
Did you know that the Faith Class served a “Welcome Back Luncheon” for the teachers at COSKIDS earlier this month? Funds from Global Impact provided the food and the Faith Class provided the hands to serve! Thank you!
Did you know that Rainbow Express Ministries straightens up the Sanctuary weekly and refills Ziploc bags for our Communion cups? We are grateful for their faithful service!
Did you know that Brave Step empowers individuals who have been impacted by sexual violence AND that they are a NEW Global Impact partner? REGISTER HERE for A Cup of Courage on Oct. 29 at 9:30 am to bravely explore the impact sexual violence has as survivors, loved ones and hear community advocates share their stories. Brave Step Changemaker Training for Parents: Consent and Body Safety with Jayneen Sanders was recently offered and you can watch the training below.