Vacation Bible School is a summertime week long camp held in the mornings on our church campus. This experience is an amazing opportunity to develop old and new friendships and to grow in Christ together.
VBS July 21-25, 2025
Registration Opens February 9
VBS Dates: July 21 - 25, 2025; 9AM - 12PM
Theme: True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World
Who: 4 years old (by August 31, 2025) - current 6th graders
Registration Coming Soon!
If you have any questions, please contact a member of our Age-Level Ministries Staff Team.
In order to make this awesome week a success, we need over 80 volunteers - adults, high schoolers and middle schoolers. You can help as leading a small group, games, snacks, story-telling, science, movie, decorations, music and more.
It is a blast working together, growing closer to Christ and having fun with kids. Can you be part of our team?
Youth and Adult Volunteers - Registration Link Coming Soon!