
Each year, our children share the most wonderful story ever told...the story of Jesus' birth! Gabriel enters with Mary close behind...what a special message he has to share....a Savior is going to be born...Mary is going to have a baby! And, the baby's name will be Jesus. Joseph joins Mary and guides her to the crèche where Baby Jesus will be placed. (Even a tiny baby gets to help share the gospel that day!)
Children dressed as little lambs come baaing down the aisle followed closely by the shepherds...A host of precious angels come in with wings and halos and smiles to melt your heart. And then, the wise men enter carrying gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
It is a service you won't want to miss! And, all children are welcome to participate! Our little ones (3-4 years) can sign up to be lambs. Kindergarten- fourth grades can serve as shepherds or angels. Our fifth & sixth graders have the privilege of playing the "main roles" of Mary, Joseph, and the Wise Men. And, of course, the most important role of all is played by some of our newborns...the role of Baby Jesus!