Monthly Family Worship

United Kids Family Worship is our high-energy worship experience held the second Sunday of each month. There may be certain exceptions throughout the year, please view event dates here.
The service is designed to be fun for the whole family as we introduce and explore our Life App for the month. Everyone will feel part of the interactive service as we enjoy live music, hilarious skits, bible stories, games, crafts and mission opportunities together.
What to Know:
- Children of all ages are welcome in Worship but should you prefer, nursery is provided for ages Newborn through 3 years during the service. Please check in at the Welcome Desk in the Children's Wing.
- Children coming to worship will check in at the gym and sit with their family. If parents are unable to stay supervision is provided during the service.
- Please register your child here to expedite the check-in process.
- Please note that Sunday morning small groups for 4-year-olds through 6th grade are not offered at 9:30 on Family Worship Sundays.
- If you would like to be a part of this dynamic worship service we would love to have you serve with us - please contact Pastor Corey or Alix Arndt!