United Methodist Stand Against Racism

Racial-Bridge Building

We, the people of The United Methodist Church, recognize racism as a sin. With that recognition, we commit to challenging unjust systems of power and access. This page lists some groups you can be a part of and actions you can take with links to resources to help end racism, foster inclusivity and diversity, and to help continue anti-racism efforts.

Bridge Builders Fellowship was created to provide opportunities for establishing relationships and fellowship between the congregations of churches in our community. Bridge Builders Fellowship meets monthly to share life experiences and perspectives, with a focus on racial equity and social justice. Meetings have also included discussion of books/videos and community service projects. Participation is open to anyone interested in being a "bridge builder."

Annual events include Community Forums in February & August, a community-wide Thanksgiving service, 5th Sunday Fellowship & Meals, Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Worship and Juneteenth Celebration.


  • Bridge-Builders 2nd Tuesday of the month in The Commons at 7:00 pm. This group occasionally meets at other churches and includes people from Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist, Matthews Presbyterian, Morningstar Lutheran and Matthews UMC. Group will not meet March 11, 2025.
  • 5th Sunday Fellowship & Lunch is held on Sundays in the spring and fall as we provide a time to meet new friends and share lunch with our neighbors in our Matthews area church partnership. Community Potluck & Documentary on Sunday, March 30 at 12:15 pm in The Commons at Matthews UMC - Register now! Bring a dish to share and view American Coup: Wilmington 1898. This documentary is sparking critical conversations about the legacy of white supremacy & preserving democracy as it uncovers the untold story when white supremacists overthrew Wilmington's multiracial government.


Community Forum - Tuesday, February 18 at 7 pm in The Commons
Guest speaker, Rev. Greg Jarrell will share on "Renewal and Redress: A History of US Urban Renewal, and How We Now Repair American Cities"

  • The US Urban Renewal programs of 1949-1974 destroyed almost 600 square miles of American neighborhoods, leaving enormous social consequences in their wake. Using his unique research and storytelling, author and organizer Greg Jarrell will tell some of the untold history of urban renewal and help audiences imagine ways to repair American cities, starting in their own neighborhoods.

Civil Rights Excursion - Saturday, March 1st, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm to International Civil Rights Center & Museum, plus Gilespie Golf Course and the “Greensboro Six” Mural Registration & Details (Registration full, please call Kim Layton at 704-815-1913 to be added to the waitlist.)

  • International Civil Rights Center & Museum in downtown Greensboro, named a National Historic Site by the National Park Service in December 2024, is housed in the Woolworth’s store where the “NC A&T Four” started a sit-in at the whites-only lunch counter in peaceful protest. In addition to the restored lunch counter, the museum includes multiple exhibits and artifacts from the Civil Rights era of the 1950’s-60’s. There will be a 90 minute guided tour by one of the Center’s ambassadors.

  • Gillespie Golf Course and the “Greensboro Six” Mural, also in Greensboro, is the site of another peaceful protest. In December 1955, six black men paid their green fee and began playing golf at a public golf course. They were arrested and jailed for exercising their right to play golf at a public course. Ryan Wilson, Executive Director of First Tee Central, will share the history of the “Greensboro Six”, and how the mural came to be.


  • As an individual, take the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge. "It's all about building new habits. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. The good news is, there's an abundance of resources just waiting to empower you to be a more effective player in the quest for equity and justice." -Eddie Moore
  • Watch the 15th Racial Bridge-Building Community Forum with Katherine Martin, local author of "The Colorful Image of God: A White Christians Guide to Doing Better" and KatherineLearns.com blog.
  • Watch the 11th Community Forum on Racial-Bridge Building. This online event hosted on February 16, 2021 by Moriah Missionary Baptist, Matthews Presbyterian, First Baptist Church of Matthews, Cross and Crown Lutheran and Matthews United Methodist featured Bishop William Willmon, professor at Duke University and author of "Who Lynched Willie Earle?" Forum Topic: "The Carolinas' Last Lynching" - The February 1947 lynching of Willie Earle in Pickens, SC and the subsequent trial in Greenville, SC attracted international attention. When an all-white jury exonerated Earle's confessed killers, it was a national scandal that led to the formation of the nations first Civil Rights Commission.
  • Watch the "Brothers" video segment below from The Mile Project which features the relationship between Pastor Chuck and Reverend Larry Whitley of Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist, one project of many racial-bridge building ventures our churches are focused on together. Silent Images created this series of films featuring people from different backgrounds as they collaborate, listen to each other's perspectives, and confront the hard realities surrounding race. The Mile Project offers a shared space for respectful, honest conversation where we can recognize what is broken, but more importantly, commit to the restoring and rebuilding of a more beautiful community together.

Race Matters Video Series

Pastor Chuck Wilson sat down to speak with MUMC member Leaton Harris about the racial issues facing our nation and our town. Watch the first, second and third installments in our "Race Matters: A Journey to Understanding" video series with our very own Pastor Chuck and Leaton Harris:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Black History Month Resources

Celebrate and Participate in Black History Month February 1-March 1.

Resources for Children, Teens and Parents:

Book Recommendations for Adults: