Find Your Spiritual Gifts
Each of us is uniquely qualified to offer a word of hope, healing, justice and grace to a world that is desperately in need of healing. To understand how YOU are qualified and called to serve within the church and beyond the walls, view Pastor Chuck's inspirational message titled "Engage Your Gifts" below, then mark your calendar to register for an upcoming spiritual gifts discovery workshop to Find Your Spiritual Gifts!
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts with the MAGI (Members Applying Gifts Intentionally) Ministry! This workshop is designed to help you discover your spiritual gifts, identify your personal style, and name the passion God has put in your heart for service. You will be given the resources to explore serving opportunities that match your unique servant profile. This is NOT a job-filling process.
Next Spiritual Gifts Discovery Workshop:
- May 10, 8:30 am - 12 pm, Register Here
Contact for more info:
Ashley Broome at 704-815-1901
Video Resource:
View "Engage Your Gifts" shared in worship to learn more about your spiritual gifts!