
A Special Journey for 6th Graders
Sixth graders embark on a year-long journey to help them understand what it means to claim the name Christian and be a part of the United Methodist Church. This wonderful year includes, lessons, retreats, service and faith building activities, all leading to the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Building Blocks of Confirmation:
- Parent Meeting - Relationships...with God and with one another.
- Weekly help you grow in your faith and your knowledge of "God and His Covenant People" as we study the scriptures.
- Bible Bites...a chance to spend time with God during the week as you open His Word and prepare for the next lesson.
- Retreats...a time to get away and be alone with God and...awesome weekends of FUN with Christian friends!
- Worship...a gift from be in His presence and a time to praise and honor Him.
- "Hands and Hearts in Service"...reaching out and helping others as we serve. - "Faith Friends" (Mentoring)...One-on-one time to grow and learn together with an adult "friend in faith."
- Parent Confirmation help parents grow in their faith alongside their Confirmand.
Contact Skye Humphries at 704-815-1918 for more information.
Please register your child in advance to expedite the Sunday morning check-in process. Families should park in the Large Parking Lot then enter through the Children's Portico Entrance to check in at the Welcome Desk. A United Kids team member will then show you to your child's room.