Children’s Choirs

Childrens Choir in Worship

Choirs & Chimes

Do you have children ages 3 through 6th grade? If so, come join us for Children's Music Ministry! Our goal is to draw out the creativity God has placed in each child, as they grow closer to their Creator. Kids are invited to come be a part of this awesome ministry, where they can discover and develop the gifts God has given them.

Spring Season Schedule

Thursday Evening Rehearsal Schedule:

  • 4:30-5:15 pm - Children's Chimes (grades 3-6) - Sanctuary
  • 5:00-5:30 pm - Cherub Choir (ages 3-5) - Children's Choir Room
  • 5:15-6:00 pm - Children's Choir (grades 1-6) - Adult Choir Room

Sunday Evenings 5:00 -6:00 pm - Middle School Handbells (grades 6-8) - Children's Choir Room

Register for Children's Chimes
Register for Cherub Choir
Register for Children's Choir
Register for Handbells

All participants must complete the United Kids Release forms, listed HERE.

The children's music program offers a holistic musical experience combining traditional and contemporary music, alongside educational components to build and develop skills in music literacy, steady beat development, rhythm reading skills, and vocal training.

For more information regarding our children's music opportunities or to register throughout the year, please call Ashley Broome at 704-815-1901.

Childrens Choir in Worship
Childrens Choir in Worship
Childrens Choir in Worship
United Kids | Children’s Choirs
