Matthews United Methodist Church: United Kids | Give
a ministry of Matthews United Methodist Church


Each year, the members of Matthews United Methodist Church (MUMC) make a commitment to serve through FAITH & LIFE COMMITMENTS during our Global Impact Celebration. This allows Matthews UMC to better support our missionaries, empower local ministries to do their God-honoring work, and to go ourselves out into the world in service. Please consider joining our outreach and community efforts by making your personal faith and life commitment today.

Faith Commitment
The Faith Commitment is a personal financial commitment above and beyond one's tithe to Matthews United Methodist Church. This commitment is made with the knowledge that God will use what is given to expand the Gospel among the nations and right here in our community! Financial commitment contributions can be made via cash, check or online. Please make donations payable to MUMC, marked "Global Impact" on the memo line.

Life Commitment
The Life Commitment indicates the various ways that you would like to serve God outside the walls of Matthews UMC through local, national and international Global Impact efforts. MUMC supports numerous mission partners (found in the Local, National & International tabs of this website) with whom you can begin building relationships today!

We at Matthews UMC are so excited that you're considering a commitment to aid in the resourcing of this church community. Time and money aren't evil, they are God-given resources to be used accurately for the building of God's Kingdom. A pledge can be submitted online for Global Impact through our secure Realm portal.

Your Trust Brings Light to the World

Missions Distributions in 2024
Beyond the Walls - Global Impact | Give


*Please note: Select Global Impact Fund When Making a Contribution