Funeral Services & GriefShare
In the United Methodist tradition, we often refer to the funeral as "A Service of Death and Resurrection." This name expresses the twofold nature of the church's ministry at the end of life: we gather to face honestly the facts of death and bereavement, and to celebrate and proclaim the good news of resurrection in Christ Jesus. When a member of the church has died, it is important to notify the church office as soon as possible so that a pastor can contact and arrange to visit the family. We are able to host funeral services in Matthews in our Sanctuary, small Chapel or outside in the Memorial Garden & Columbarium. Although many families choose to have a time of visitation at the family home or the funeral home, we are also able to accommodate visitations before or after the funeral service. The pastor will assist the family and the funeral home in scheduling the funeral service and visitation.
Please call our Church Office at 704-847-6261 and if after hours, please follow the prompt for the Pastor on Call.

Church members may purchase a niche in the Memorial Garden & Columbarium. Double niches are $1,750; single niches are $1,000. Church members may wish to have a memorial plaque for eligible persons who are buried in other places or who have indicated their wish to have their ashes scattered in designated areas of the Memorial Garden. Memorials on the large plaque wall are $500. Contact Del Funderburk, Director of Facilities & Property Management, by calling the Church Office (704-847-6261 ext. 145).
You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. Matthews UMC offers GriefShare groups and Loss of a Spouse GriefShare groups that run throughout the year for those who have lost a loved one. You can visit or join a group at anytime. Learn more by contacting the church or visiting our groups page.