22th Sunday after Pentecost
Just these lines, my friends …
… to say thank you to Pastor Paul for his wonderful message (Engage in Invitation) this past Sunday. You can watch it here. All this fall, we’ve been learning that when we engage, we pledge, we commit, we bind ourselves by engaging in practices that, if exercised over time, will enable us to grow into a life that is centered on loving God and loving others. We do our best to remind you of these biblically-rooted, time-tested practices all the time. Please click here for a listing of these seven core practices.
In addition to Pastor Paul’s engaging sermon, the morning was filled with beautiful music. Our 8:15 am and 11:00 am services experienced an All-Choir Sunday with our Sanctuary Choir. They were beyond compare with the anthem, Come Dwell in Solomon’s Walls. Craig Estep, our Director of Music and Worship Arts wrote to the Choir, “What a glorious morning! O my goodness, you can tell how much that song speaks to each of you … your dedication, devotion and love for our Lord and this ministry is so very special.” Indeed, you could. What a powerful witness from our Sanctuary Choir!
Beautiful, inspiring, glorious music was also shared in our 9:30 am hour. We are grateful for our guest musicians, Allen & Amber Williams.
Sunday was also the day we celebrated our Metro District Laity Service Award recipients: David Bigham, Joe Culpepper, Fred & Amy DeVore, and Richard & Erma Martin. You can read more about them here. If you see these persons in the coming days, please tell them thank you for how they serve.
A note about our worship services on Sunday, NOVEMBER 14: we will have ONE COMBINED SERVICE at 10:30 am. There will be NO services at 8:15 am, 9:30, 11:00 am and 12:30 pm. Celebrate Commitment Sunday by bringing your 2022 Financial Commitment Cards (in mailboxes soon) to place in the Joash Chest. Nursery (up to age 3) will be available from 9 am until the end of worship. There will be No Kids or Youth Classes, and Adult Classes will begin at 9:15. *November Family Worship (formerly The Deep) will move to Nov 7 at 9:30 am in the Gym.
On another note, let me tell you about a wonderful community initiative called Clippers and Cops. It was started by Dericus Scott, owner of the Standing Ovation Barbershop (where our very own, Craig Van Arsdol, cuts hair) in Matthews and Sgt. Don Warren of the Matthews Police Department. Dozens of persons gathered this past Saturday at the barbershop to “Bridge gaps between our Matthews Police Department and the community.” Most of our time was spent around the following question: “Now that things have been ‘quiet’ between local police departments and communities (negative news of policing) what can we do to be on ‘the offense vs. the defense’ to strategize in order to secure that our community will be ready for any situation that could occur to have a negative impact.” Click here to watch Chief Clark Pennington and Dericus Scott discuss this new community initiative.
Wednesday Devotional
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch my “Falling Asleep in Church” devotional for today. Please click here to watch.
This Sunday in Worship
We invite you to join us this Sunday in person or online at 8:15 am (traditional – in person only), 9:30 am (contemporary), 11:00 am (traditional) or 12:30 (Spanish – in person only).
In our Spanish-speaking CCH community, Pastor Roldan will be preaching on the conversion of Zacchaeus from Luke 19:1-10. His sermon is titled, Our Conversion is Revealed by our Actions. Our CCH community also gathers for Friday evening Bible Study where they are learning Biblical insights in managing money.
This Sunday, we continue to Engage in all our morning worship services. My sermon is titled Engage in God’s Plan from John 14:8-13. A phrase from I John 4:18 that will be important to our time together is as follows: “As Jesus is, so are we in the world.”
Finally, anyone disillusioned by the unpredictability of life will find in our transforming community of faith called Matthews United Methodist the steady reliability of the one thing that is ultimately always true: the faithful love and grace of God, given to us in Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, and now more than ever, it is still good to be the church.
And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, tumultuous, perilous, and hopeful days of pandemic remember … God does God’s best work in moments like this.
We are in this … together,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II
Did you know that Pastor Chuck officiated at the Memorial Service of Betty Joyce Anderson in the Chapel at Matthews Glen on October 14? She was interred in our MUMC Columbarium/Memorial Garden.
Did you know that our Home2Home Ministry is supplying furniture items to Carolina Refugees, a local organization helping 60 Afghan families settle in our area?
Did you know that the Delia Lemmond Circle packed 21 welcome bags for the women and children at Turning Point on October 6? Most of the time these women and children leave home bringing very little with them, and Turning Point gives them welcome bags that have some of the essentials they need.
Did you know that Pastor Chuck was fortunate enough to speak with a unique grief support group founded and led by LuAnn Scruggs this past Sunday? The group meets monthly at a barn in Union County.
Did you know that Servants Heart Circle volunteered at Bright Blessings on October 9? They helped prepare and pack birthday bags for underprivileged children. This gives the children the opportunity to celebrate their birthdays which otherwise might go unnoticed.
Did you know that several members of the Faith Sunday School Class worked at Blessed Assurance Adult Day Care this past Saturday repairing and painting the trash can barrier fence? Thank you to these wonderful servants!
Read below some of the amazing, thoughtful, inspiring reasons why our families support the life and ministry of Matthews United Methodist:
- “We engage in generosity in and through Matthews United Methodist because it is our pleasure to share the financial blessing we have received with the church so that the church can use that gift to spread God’s Word and impact the lives of those in need, spiritually and financially.” – Rob & Connie McCain
- “We engage in generosity in and through Matthews United Methodist because at Matthews United Methodist church we have learned what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. What a blessing it has been to be able to participate in different ministries through our presence our prayers and our finances. I truly believe that we have been blessed so that we may be a blessing to others and MUMC has given us the opportunities to do so. We are so grateful for all that we have learned by being part of the most amazing church I have ever called home!” – Rick & Kathy Zimmer
- “I engage in generosity in and through Matthews United Methodist because the Spirit moves me to be faithful with God’s blessings in my life.” – Kevin Hinson
- “I was blessed to grow up in a Christian family who accepted the call to tithe. So when Tim & I got married I thought that we would too. However God hadn’t touched Tim’s heart yet. Many years we would discuss sometimes heatedly giving to the church. Tim was so afraid we couldn’t afford it. I asked God for help & forgiveness for not tithing. God helped me just follow Tim’s lead & not discuss it further.
Some time passed. Tim attended a retreat & listened to a gentleman’s life story. This gentleman stated that he reluctantly started tithing to put God to the test. He wanted to see if God would provide if he tithed. And we know the answer to that. God provided! He found he couldn’t out give God. He challenged the men to try it.
Tim decided to try it reluctantly. And God provided. We would get a refund check or some other financial benefit when we least expected despite Tim having a very close watch on our finances. He is an accountant by profession. I love to hear Tim tell the story and even today he says we can’t out give God.
We are so blessed! Blessed to be able to bless others for Christ.” – Tim & Brenda Towner