Good Friday Worship & Musical Presentation

Tenebrae Service of Shadows
April 18 at 7:00 pm in the Matthews UMC Sanctuary

Matthews UMC Sanctuary Choir with Flute Choir & Joyful Ringers will share a special musical presentation for our Good Friday worship service.

With roots in monastic practice, Tenebrae is an ancient liturgical tradition of the Christian church. It is the Latin word for “shadows/darkness” and the ritual typically involves the gradual extinguishing of candles. As light and darkness form the heart of the visual and musical experience, each extinguishing punctuates the conclusion of our hearing of the seven last words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Tenebrae service will conclude with the traditional stripping of the chancel and strepitus, or “loud noise.” This is often the slamming shut of the Bible in total darkness close to the end of the ritual to represent the earthquake that followed the death of Christ. Then, the vigil candle, hidden during the closing part of the service, is finally revealed.


This service will also be livestreamed.


Apr 18, 2025


7:00 pm


In the Sanctuary
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