Ash Wednesday Worship with Rev. Josh Noblitt

March 5 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary with the Imposition of Ashes
Guest Pastor: Rev. Josh Noblitt

Rev. Dr. Joshua M. Noblitt is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Atlanta doing individual, couples, and group psychotherapy for a wide variety of presenting issues, specializing in grief recovery, religious trauma, healthy relationships, and human sexuality. Josh grew up at Matthews United Methodist Church and was deeply involved in the youth and music ministries where he first felt a call to ordained ministry. He completed his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees at Emory University, Candler School of Theology, was ordained at the 2008 Western North Carolina Annual Conference, and served as Minister of Social Justice and Evangelism at Atlanta’s Saint Mark United Methodist Church for 17 years. Josh has also served on a number of boards nationally and locally, including the Reconciling Ministry Network; Emory University Candler School of Theology Alumni Board; the Emory University Hope Clinic for HIV/AIDS Research Community Advisory Board; Greensboro College Board of Trustees; Fulton County Division of Family and Children Services Board; Charter member of the Atlanta Mayor’s LGBTQ Advisory Board; and the Board of Directors for the Atlanta-Fulton County Policing Alternatives and Diversion Initiative. He lives in Atlanta with his fur baby BuddyRo.

*This service will also be livestreamed.

The Imposition of Ashes symbolize our humility before God, and the recognition we are mortal.
Learn more about Ash Wednesday.

What is the primary spiritual journey of Lent? Lent is a time to intentionally travel the road with Jesus toward his death and resurrection, so that we become more personally ‘dead to sin and alive to Christ’ in our daily living.

What is the primary emphasis of Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday begins the journey of Lent. Its theme is confession and repentance of sin. Ashes are placed on the forehead as a sign of repentance remembering that “from dust you came and to dust you shall return.”

What are the Lenten themes for Sunday worship and personal spirituality? This year, our Lenten focus is “Shaping the Virtuous Heart.”

Why does Lent emphasize fasting, prayer, and giving to the poor? Fasting from food, or something else, is a symbol of the discipline it takes to turn away from sin. Prayer is the act of turning to God in dependence. Giving to the poor is the symbol of the virtue we are taking on to replace our sin.

What is a suggested discipline for Lent? These disciplines are external practices that we engage in, trusting God will use them to bring greater order and permanence to our ongoing internal conversion of dying to sin and living for Christ:

  • Deny yourself a specific regular pleasure or vice for the 40 days leading to Easter (such as sweets, alcohol, tobacco, watching, television, reading the newspaper, Facebook, or Instagram).
  • Replace that time with Bible reading and prayer, or use the money you save to give to the poor.
  • Fast completely (except for water) from the Good Friday service until Easter Sunday, in anticipation of the fullness of life offered through Jesus’ resurrection.



Mar 05, 2025


7:00 pm
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