Celebrate Easter
You are cordially invited to the Easter Celebration at Matthews UMC! There is something for everyone, including an Easter Butterfly Release -- a true highlight within our community as we care for and watch caterpillars grow into butterflies -- which reminds us of our own transformation in Christ. This year, let's journey together on the 40 days leading to Easter with our Embracing Disabilities church-wide Lenten Focus.
Join in unique Easter Worship Services on Sunday, March 31:
- 6:45 am Easter Sunrise Service in the Small Parking Lot at the Sanctuary Entrance
- 8:15 & 11:00 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary (Sanctuary & Livestream)
- 9:30 am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary & Livestream)
- 9:30 am United Kids Ministry presents an Acoustic Easter Jam Service in The Gym
- 10:30 am Butterfly Release in the Courtyard (weather permitting)
- Centro Cristiano Hosanna Servicio en Espanol: 6:45 am at the Eagle's Nest & 12:30 pm in the Sanctuary
*9:30 & 11:00 livestreamed, Nursery for 3 & under is provided for all worship hours (except for Sunrise), & there will be NO United Kids or Youth Sunday Morning Small Groups.
Visit MatthewsUMC.org/Embracing-Disabilities Lenten Resources
Upcoming Lenten Season Highlights
The season at Matthews UMC is full of connection opportunities, serving & ministry.
- Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt - MOVED due to forecast to March 30 6-8 pm - Games, Food Trucks, Inflatables & Fun! Egg Hunts: 6:30 pm for Nursery-Age 5, 7:00 pm for Age 6-12 & 7:30 pm for Age 13-Adult
- Maundy Thursday Worship The Last Supper Service led by Rainbow Express Ministries - March 28 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary
- Good Friday Tenebrae Service of Shadows with Special Music Presentation March 29 at 7 pm (Sanctuary & Livestreamed)
- Easter Sunday Worship Services March 31 (top of page) Bring flowers from your backyard to adorn the cross Easter morning. This tradition signifies the celebration and provides a beautiful photo backdrop to mark this sacred day.
Past Highlights
- Pancake Supper - Shrove Tuesday, February 13 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm in The Commons & Gym
- Ash Wednesday - February 14 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary
- Journey to the Cross - February 18 between services: Share in an Interactive Walk-Thru Experience as the Lenten Season comes alive for all ages
- Wednesday Night Dinners with optional Book Study - February 21 - March 20 5:30-7:30 pm.
- The Butterfly Project - March 3 Order caterpillars & care for your butterfly to be released on Easter Sunday in the Courtyard (All supplies included)
- Family Worship March 10 in the Gym at 9:30 am
- Butterfly Bonanza - March 10, drop-in between 9 am -12:15 pm in The Commons for butterfly fun. Pick-up caterpillars & habitats previously ordered.
- Music Together Celebration - Thursday, February 22 at 6:30 pm
- Parent's Night Out - Friday, March 1, 6-8 pm
- A Night with Amy Julia Becker Sunday, March 3 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary - Insights with Q&A
- Jerusalem Marketplace Interactive Palm Sunday experience March 24, drop-in 9 am - 12 pm between services
- Palm Sunday Worship March 24 - Special Message During All Regular Service Times (and possible donkey sighting!): 815 & 11:00 Traditional, 9:30 Contemporary, 12:30 Servicio en Espanol