Just These Lines Pastor Blog

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Featured image for “Swords into Plowshares”
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 Just These Lines

Swords into Plowshares

3rd Sunday of Advent Just these lines, my friends … … to say I am still reveling in a Sunday of Sundays with beautiful 2nd Sunday of Advent morning worship and then, The Glory of Christmas in the evening. I was blown away by the beauty and sound of it all. I kept thinking, “This is our church! This is...
Featured image for “Climbing Together”
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 Just These Lines

Climbing Together

23rd Sunday after Pentecost | All Saints Sunday Just these lines, my friends … … to say that my heart breaks for so much going on in the world; I have been spending extra time in prayer these days, offering to God my prayers for peace in Palestine and Israel, prayers for our national government amid chaotic leadership in Congress,...
Featured image for “There Is Nothing You Can Do About It”
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 Just These Lines
 United Kids

There Is Nothing You Can Do About It

19th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say I was absolutely delighted by our young people and their leaders as they led us in worship for Youth Sunday! Their energy and poise made for a powerful morning. Every other year, we are able to combine their witness with World Communion Sunday. World Communion is an...
Featured image for “Jesus is Coming”
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 Just These Lines
 United Kids

Jesus is Coming

16th Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say that our Sunday (9/10) was a special one: Family Worship in the Gym (I heard there was quite a kazoo band on hand), the balcony presence of Stumptown Brass, the powerful music of our Praise Team, Kathy White on the organ after a time of vacation, the...
Featured image for “The Kindness Revolution Part 2”
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 Just These Lines

The Kindness Revolution Part 2

3rd Sunday after Pentecost Just these lines, my friends … … to say that I was thrilled with our participation this past Sunday. Even as Summer bears down on us, the people of God called Matthews United Methodist were ready to worship and sing, this past Sunday, in the Sanctuary and Gym (Family Worship pictured below). I began our new series,...
Featured image for “Holiness is Hard Work”
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 Global Impact
 Just These Lines
 We Are Matthews

Holiness is Hard Work

1st Sunday in Lent Just these lines, my friends … … to say that on Sunday we concluded our annual Global Impact Celebration. I never grow tired watching the people of God called Matthews United Methodist streaming forward to make Faith and Life commitments. The morning (9:30 and 11:00) was filled with toe-tappin music – watch the video here of...
Featured image for “How to Flourish in Your Marriage”
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 Global Impact
 Just These Lines

How to Flourish in Your Marriage

6th Sunday after the Epiphany | Global Impact 2 Just these lines, my friends … … to say “thank you” to Rev. Gaston Warner for sharing stories of transformation that we are making possible together. It was a powerful weekend. I was so deeply moved by his vision of hopeful, indigenous, sustained ways of empowering young people. Gaston cast that...
Featured image for “Mother’s Day”
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 Global Impact
 Just These Lines

Mother’s Day

4th Sunday of Easter | Mother’s Day Just these lines, my friends … … to say that it is still appropriate for me to say, “Happy Easter” because Easter is a season in the church and not simply a day. In fact, every Sunday is a little Easter according to the liturgical calendar. Alister McGrath refers to the resurrection of...
Featured image for “We Are For”
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 Just These Lines
 United Kids

We Are For

2nd Sunday of Easter Just these lines, my friends … … to say what a Holy Week 2022: crowds of people gathering for worship for the first time in three years (since 2019); people (Home2Home) helping families with no furniture; a beautiful butterfly release featuring the beautiful banner made by Wendy Barall (photos below); one of the best Maundy Thursday...