10th Sunday after Pentecost
Just these lines, my friends …
… to say that last week was a “tweener” week for us around the church. It was the week between the wonder of Rainbow Express Camp and the joy that is Vacation Bible School (VBS). VBS this year has 295 registered kids and nearly 130 volunteers. You just can’t imagine the energy in our Gym and around campus this week!
On Sunday, we also continued into Week 4 of our summer study, The Good Life … The God Life from Matthew 5:1-12. We examined Jesus’ next remarkably difficult statement, “Blessed are the meek, for they inherit the earth.” We learned just how troubling this verse can be for us.
Someone asked me on Sunday, “Okay, Chuck, meekness, I get it. But what about out there in the cold, hard, workaday world?” You may be surprised to hear my answer.
For many months the number one book on leadership in America was Jim Collins, Good to Great. Collins has no religious background whatsoever. What’s more, he did not set out to write a book on leadership. He wanted to study the dynamic that transforms a merely good organization into a truly great one. What he discovered shocked him and continues to shock the management world.
As he researched great organizations, Collins kept noticing a certain kind of organizational leader. This was not the high-flying, larger-than-life celebrity CEO with a mesmerizing personality that you might expect. In fact, he found a leader’s charisma to be a handicap, because it causes people to focus on the personality of the leader rather than on the principles for which the organization stands. According to Collins, in great organizations, you find what he calls a Level 5 leader: one who is a unique blend of humility and resolve. One who is able to channel ego needs away from herself or himself and into the larger goal of building a great organization.
In an interview, Jim Collins said, “After the book came out, I kept hearing people say to me, ‘There was this ultimate Level 5 leader who lived 2,000 years ago. The things he talked about in the Gospel have great compatibility with what you say.’ Of course, I had heard about Jesus, but as a result of finding out about Level 5, I was inspired to begin reading the New Testament to see for myself.”
Matthews United Methodist Church (MUMC), let me give you an executive summary of the book Good to Great: “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.”
If you missed Sunday’s worship service, then click here to participate.
At the end of the 9:30 am service on Sunday, I introduced the remarkable family of Delonna and Michelle Hartley and their 6 kids: Hayden, Holden, Hannah, Helena, Harrison and Hanson. Holden just received his orders to report for Basic Training on Tuesday, July 23 with the United States Air Force. A Big Deal! We sent him forth with a huge blessing. O Lord, please take care of my precious friend.
2024 Capital Campaign & Questions We Hear You Asking
If you missed the announcement regarding the feasibility study survey results and background that led to the unanimous Charge Conference vote to move forward with a 2024 Capital Campaign, please click to read the complete details. We appreciate all the feedback, questions and ideas received during the feasibility study process. Please tune in over the coming weeks as we feature answers to your questions or click on the FAQ document for an updated list.
Q: Can we include any of the following improvements as well in this project?
- Make stairs behind the Reredos (cross at front of sanctuary) safer for choir members and staff to access chancel space
This could be added as a request for the architect to review and offer recommendations. In the meantime, we have also been working with our Trustees Committee Chairperson, Handyman Ministry and head of Facilities who have agreed to install temporary stairs to accommodate the necessary improvements.
- Light up the stained-glass windows to make them more visible and impactful
Facilities has recently worked to replace bulbs and light the only window that was not functioning. Additional work is not currently in the scope of the capital campaign.
- Improve the Wi-Fi capacity and performance throughout the church
As we understand from Matt Harvey, our contracted IT professional, the campus Wi-Fi is at its max and is not in the scope of work for the capital campaign.
- Add a covered portico to Sanctuary Entrance from the small parking lot, to protect disabled and elderly worship attendees from the elements
This could be added as a request for the architect to investigate and offer options with budget estimates.
Video Devotional
Sometimes, the best stories are children’s stories. They are easy to understand and get right to the point. Many of you may be familiar with the story, The Velveteen Rabbit by Marjorie Williams. I hope you’ll take a watch at my devotional this week, Being Real:
Upcoming Events
- Youth Summer Jams -Sundays, July 28, Aug 4, 11 & 18 – 4:30-5:30 pm. Details
- Instrumental Community Concert – Sunday, Aug 11 at 6:00pm in the Sanctuary. Details
- Disciple Bible Study begins in August! Details
- Back 2 School Bash – Sunday, Aug 25 in the MUMC parking lot. United Kids – 3-5PM, United Youth – 5-7PM. Inflatables, food trucks, games & more! $15 per child, $50 max for a family 4+
- The Good and Beautiful Community study led by Pastor Chuck – Wednesday nights, Sept 11 through Nov 6. This will be our third consecutive year to do a study out of the Apprentice Series written by James Bryan Smith. We will learn how to bring spiritual formation and community engagement together. The study also offers spiritual practices that will root new, true narratives about God and the world in our souls. We will be learning to live in authentic ways as a good and beautiful community of persons walking in the Way of Jesus, shining the light of the Spirit in every relationship. Details
This Sunday in Worship
We invite you to join us this Sunday at 8:15 am (traditional; in person only), 9:30 am (contemporary; in person or online here), 11:00 am (traditional; in person or online here) or 12:30 (Spanish; in person or on demand here).
Our Spanish-speaking community (CCH) concludes this Sunday their summer worship series titled Intentional Discipleship. Pastor Roldan’s sermon for Sunday is from Acts 9:26-31, and the sermon title, Let Us Prepare Not to be Tested.
In all our morning sanctuary services, we continue our summer journey (The Good Life … The God Life) through the Beatitudes, those peculiar exclamations with which Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount. This week is #5 in the series, The Blessed Longing (Matthew 5:6). I invite you to join me as we wrestle with Jesus’ next upside-down statement, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
Also, during this summer season, I hope you’ll extend an invitation to someone to come to church with you this week. If you will, I trust they will hear, see and experience the subtle, subversive and sublime way of Jesus.
And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, but hopeful days, remember, God does God’s best work in moments like this.
We are better … together,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II
Did you know that Shannon Remley, our Music & Worship Arts Admin/Children’s Music Coordinator, and Andrés Rodriguez were married on July 13 in Colombia, South America? Congratulations to this special couple in the life of our church!
Did you know that a team from MUMC celebrated the graduates of Changed Choices? Forty clients completed certifications and celebrated with a cookout prepared and served by MUMC members. Your gifts to Global Impact provide funding and support to this important ministry.
Did you know that Atrium Health Carolinas Rehabilitation, where Robert Larrison is president, was ranked 7th for “Best Hospitals for Rehabilitation” by US News & World Report? This designation puts Carolinas Rehabilitation among the top 1% of rehabilitation hospitals in the nation. Read the article here and watch a fun video of the announcement here. Congratulations, Robert, to you & your team at Atrium Health Carolinas Rehabilitation!
Did you know that MUMC Family Worship made 60 goody bags for The Micah Connection? These bags will go to families served by The Latin American Coalition. Children will now have coloring books, toys and snacks while their parents meet with resource providers. THANK YOU!
Did you know that Inclusive Grace had a potluck at Squirrel Lake Park on Sunday? They enjoyed time together, great food and an awesome turnout of over 25 people! This was a great opportunity for people to learn more about this Reconciling Ministry, which supports and celebrates LGBTQIA+ persons and their families & friends, both within and beyond the church community.