All Shall Be Well

All Shall Be Well

Published August 7, 2024

12th Sunday after Pentecost
Just these lines, my friends…

… to say that I’m loving the Olympics. I mean Snoop Dogg is America’s darling, a gymnast with a Rubik’s Cube has captured our imagination, and Simone Biles has captured our hearts. I’m blown away by these athletes and the commitment it takes to become the best on the planet. What I love the most about these time-marking games is not the wins and losses, the record times or even the astonishing feats. It’s not the blowouts or the comebacks or touching stories of beating the odds. No. In a world that is so fragmented, where we most often share little but animosity and anger, the Olympics give us the opportunity to focus our attention on one special place and much-needed values like excellence, respect and friendship. I’m reminded by these athletes of the common ground when we share together in this global event.

When Jesus taught people to love their neighbors as themselves (Mark 12:30-31) and treat others as they would be treated (Matthew 7:12), he was teaching people to seek the Common Good.

When the Apostle Paul said, “Do not seek your own personal interests alone, but also the interests of others,” he was teaching the Common Good (Philippians 2:4).

The Common Good teaches us to seek what’s best for everyone, beginning with the last, the least, the lost, the most vulnerable, and the most forgotten. Let’s always take the opportunity scan the landscape for opportunities to put into play the Common Good.


2024 Capital Campaign & Questions We Hear You Asking  

If you missed it, please link to the announcement here regarding our fall capital campaign for Sanctuary upgrades and read answers to Questions We Hear You Asking in the complete FAQs.

How will the Sanctuary improvements benefit the 8:15 and 9:30 services?

During the 8:15 service, Music Ensembles will have more space, and all will have access to the Chancel handrails when going up and down stairs to read scripture or participate in segments of worship. In addition, one of our regular 8:15 lay readers utilizes a wheelchair and would be better accommodated as part of the service. Many of our older members who attend this service will definitely benefit from the improved sound system and brilliant colored LED screens. A specific hearing aid system to enhance sound for people with auditory devices will also be installed. The newest hearing aids are usually equipped with this technology.

During the 9:30 service, Instrumentalists will finally have space to be together — drum kit positioned toward front, synthesizer close to the piano player, and bass/acoustic guitarists closer to the other instruments. Removing dividing walls between musicians and instruments will enhance sound. Praise Team singers move forward, closer to the congregation for more engaging worship. Lyrics will be more legible on new LED screens, which is imperative because the Hymnal is not an option during this hour. All technology and sound systems/microphone and monitor cables will be hidden, creating fewer tripping hazards. And there will be plenty of floor jacks for all connections. The improved sound system will greatly enhance the contemporary instruments and vocals. With new lighting, we will also have the ability to set different moods for the contemporary service, i.e. color and directional focus. With all these upgrades, live stream will be much more modern looking and updated.


Video Devotional

Do you know the old Temptations song, My Girl? Do you remember how it began? “I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day.” Well, I know and you know some people who can find the cloud on a sunny day. My devotional explores this thought and is titled All Shall Be Well. I hope you’ll take a watch.


Staff Transition

I mentioned in last week’s Just These Lines about the retirement of our dear church organist and music associate, Kathy White. Join us in celebrating her remarkable legacy at MUMC for nearly 25 years. Sunday, August 25 will be our celebration day. There will be a reception to honor Kathy sponsored by the Music & Worship Arts Department following the 11 service on the 25th in the Commons beginning at 12:15.


Upcoming Events

  • Instrumental Community Concert – Sunday, Aug 11 at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Details
  • Check your Voter Registration so you will know when/where/how to cast your vote this fall! The Micah Connection and Bridge Builders teams will be in Sanctuary Reception Area, between Worship Services on August 11 & September 8.
  • Disciple Bible Study (shortened version) begins in August! Register by Aug 13! Details 
  • Hug-A-Cop – Saturday, August 17, Drop in 3-6 pm at Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church to show gratitude to First Responders! For details & how to volunteer, click here.
  • Community Forum: Churches in Our Community Working for Racial Justice – Tuesday, Aug 20, 7 pm at Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist. Details
  • Back 2 School Bash – Sunday, Aug 25 in large parking lot. Kids 3-5 pm & Youth 5-7 pm. Inflatables, food trucks, games & more! $15 per child, $50 max for a family 4+.
  • Join one of our Short-Term Studies this fall, including In The Footsteps of a Savior on Tuesday mornings, Knowing Who We Are on Monday evenings, and The Good & Beautiful Community on Wednesday evenings. Details


This Sunday in Worship

We invite you to join us this Sunday at 8:15 am (traditional; in person only), 9:30 am (contemporary; in person or online here), 11:00 am (traditional; in person or online here) or 12:30 (Spanish; in person or on demand here).   Our Spanish-speaking community (CCH) continues vibrant summer worship. Pastor Roldan’s sermon for Sunday is from Jeremiah 29:7-11, and the sermon title, A Well-Centered Life.

In all our morning sanctuary services, we continue our summer journey (The Good Life … The God Life) through the Beatitudes, those peculiar exclamations with which Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount. This week, Pastor Paul will be preaching Jesus’ next upside-down statement, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8) Pastor Paul says in preparation for Sunday, “As Jesus continues to preach these different beatitudes to his disciples and those who came to listen and learn, he spells out the different virtues of what makes a disciple close to God’s intention for humankind and how we can be fully blessed by God.”

Did you know over a hundred people are moving to the Charlotte area every day? Many of those people end up in our neighborhoods. All summer, I’ve been asking you to consider inviting someone from your neighborhood or circle of friends to come to church with you. We have so many opportunities to do so: Sunday worship, our upcoming Instrumental Concert, Back 2 School Bash, Coffee & Mingle, and so much more. If you will, I trust that when they come our way, they will hear, see & experience the subtle, subversive and sublime way of Jesus.

And now, as always, during these strange, uncertain, but hopeful days, remember, God does God’s best work in moments like this.

We are better … together,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II


Did you know that Cameron Bare and Sasha Martin were married this past Friday, August 2, in Blowing Rock?  Cameron is the son of Mike & Patti Bare and grew up at MUMC. Congratulations, Cameron & Sasha!

Did you know that volunteers from Young Life of Butler High School recently worked to clean up the Eagle’s Nest?  We are grateful for their service!