Christmas/December 25, 2019
Just these lines, my friends …
to say that some of you may be reading this on Christmas Day. I love what the great British wit G. K. Chesterton once said …
The Christian grows younger as the world grows old.
For this is the last proof of the miracle . . .
I have not minimized the scale of the miracle,
as some of our milder theologians think it wise to do.
Rather have I deliberately dwelt on that incredible interruption,
as a blow that broke the very backbone of history.
I have great sympathy with those . . .
to whom it seems that it might shake the world.
But it did not shake the world; it steadied the world.
The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King is that incredible interruption where love came down to steady a shaking world. Whoever we are and wherever we are, it is the steady and steadying God who draws us to Bethlehem.
Max Lucado says Christmas is the time when we learn that God is “strong enough to trust and close enough to touch.” May this assurance be most evident for you and yours this Christmas.
From Karen, Chuck, Chase, Ryan, Gina, Rosa, Molly, Ben, Lola, Mackenzie and the dogs – Boulder, Lolo, Cooper and Rosie – we say to you, “May the joy of God’s holy love be with each of you and with all people everywhere. Merry Christmas!”
MUMC Finances
I’m getting peppered all day every day with financial appeals from my alma maters, and other sundry institutions – as I’m sure you are. Please don’t forget your church! We need generous giving here at year’s end to meet our responsibilities.
So join me in making a year-end gift to our budget, ReFresh & ReNew and Global Impact (which goes 100% beyond our walls in ministry). Thanks in advance for ensuring we end the year in the black. You can do so by clicking here. Your gifts before the end of the year will help close the gap and fully fund our 2019 annual ministry budget.
Your gifts impact so many people for Jesus. Here are a few ways your gifts blessed our church and community during the Christmas season:
- Provided beautiful and meaningful Advent and Christmas Eve worship services for our church family and many visitors.
- Allowed us to serve several families in the month of December alone with worship services of hope and resurrection celebrating their deceased loved one.
- Helped to nurture children and youth in the Reason for the Season.
- And so much more!
Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness.
This Sunday in Worship
I hope you can join us this Sunday (December 29) for one of our two morning worship services (9:30 am and 11:00 am. remember, no 8:15 am service) in the Sanctuary. We’ll sing carols, pray Christmas prayers, and I’ll conclude our worship series, Counting Our Blessings.
I’m Counting My Blessings, as your
Pastor and friend,
Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Wilson II